A note from the Principal

Hello, everyone.
I hope you enjoy our latest edition of ‘Healesville High Connections’ which will provide you with hours of interesting reading, packed as it is with exciting and informative reports from across a broad range of school activities. What a busy place this school is!
Thank you to all writers for their contributions. We have so many reasons to be proud of our school community, and it is always heartening to read of the achievements of students AND staff.
This year been especially full of activities, both in the classroom and beyond. Thank you once again to every member of staff for providing so many opportunities to our students, and thanks to every student who has taken advantage of the opportunities on offer.
Congratulations to the ‘stars’ – Tori Winter-Berry and Billie Montgomery. These two students are particularly deserving of the acknowledgement. They are hard-working, generous, friendly, and always amongst the first to take advantage of the opportunities offered across school programs. They enjoy their school experiences, and they help others to enjoy school life as well through their consistently positive approach.
The Art Show is highlighted in this edition and deservedly so. It was a huge success, and Jessica Dennis and her team of students and staff deserve congratulations for their efforts and the outcome. We have so many remarkably talented and creative students and staff, and that talent was obvious for all to see. Congratulations to everyone involved.
Over the past several weeks Year 12 students have completed classes, enjoyed a day of celebration, and then commenced, and concluded their examination period. The next milestone is the Graduation Dinner, to be held at the RACV Country Club. Our school community and the broader Healesville community could not be prouder of the Class of 2023, and we are looking forward to celebrating the conclusion of 13 years of schooling with students and their families at the RACV event.
I would like also to congratulate the VCE VM students and Mrs Gabby Plunkett and Ms Kaylia Tierney for organising and running the highly successful VM trivia evening. This worthy endeavour was enjoyable for all who attended and raised funds for a wonderful cause- the Rotary Club project which provides milking cows and goats to a village in Kenya. A special mention to Connor Fallon, the MC of the evening. Connor is such a talented young man, and he completed this task as always, in his easy-going, personable, and friendly manner. Great work, Connor!
Best wishes everyone.
Allan Rennick