News from the 3/4 Team...

Stop Motion
Throughout this Term, students in Team 3/4 have been working hard on creating a Stop Motion animation using their iPads. To begin the process students had to write a short narrative on which the animation would be based upon. They thought carefully about creating a story with a simple problem and solution, as well as the characters and setting that would be included in their Stop Motion.
The next step was to create a Storyboard based on the narrative writing. Students had to think about each scene in their Stop Motion and carefully draw and label their Storyboard to match. This storyboard with descriptions underneath, explained what their stop motion animation would look like.
Characters and Props
Students then used the following sessions to create any characters or props that they would need for their Stop Motion animation. Students were extremely creative using a number of recyclable materials, craft products and paint to create their props and characters.
Creating the Stop Motion
They were now ready to start creating their Stop Motion. To achieve this, students used stands as a means of setting up their iPad with their setting, characters and props underneath. They had to be extremely precise in their movements of the characters and props to ensure that their Stop Motion was seamless.
Editing and Sound Effects
The final step in the process is for students to carefully edit and change the Stop Motion and add any sound effects to enhance their Stop Motion.
The students in Team 3/4 are looking forward to sharing their work with you during our Expo later on this term.
Below are some of the thoughts from the students in 4JT about the process of creating their Stop Motion.
“It has been a very slow process to create my Stop Motion, but I have figured out that the key is to move the characters as slowly as you can and take as many photos as possible. I’m looking forward to editing my work and adding sound effects.” Harry
“I have found creating my Stop Motion very challenging because moving the character and getting the right adjustments is very difficult. I’m looking forward to seeing the end product and seeing how well my Stop Motion turns out. I’ll be very proud of myself when it’s all done.” Sophia
“I think I’m doing really well so far with my Stop Motion, I’m focusing on adding more detail to the beginning to make it more interesting. I am looking forward to adding a credit scene to the end of my Stop Motion and seeing it all come together.” Mackenzie
“I think creating my Stop Motion has been really fun as you get to be as creative as you like. I’m looking forward to finishing my Stop Motion so I can show my family and friends.” Alyssa
The Year 3/4 Team
Cameron Batt, Ray Owens, Claire Brennan, Sarah Jacobs, Lisa Trevorrow, Lyndsey Thwaites, Sarah Amiconi, Paul Roast and Philip Wickham