Science News

Science Talent Search
Recently the students who participated in the Victoria Science Talent Search received their award certificates, which were given to our students by Mr Hamer-Smith. In addition to the certificates Pranav Bollapragada received his Science Talent Search medal and minor bursary award payment. It was wonderful to be able to celebrate the Science success of Aditya Patel, Austin Voges, Param Dave, Arun Sivaraman Rajalakshmi and Pranav Bollapragada.
It has been a busy year in Science, with a range of activities and science topics occurring throughout the year. It has been great to see the engagement by students in these activities. Science staff would like to congratulate all Year 12 students on finishing their courses and extend our best wishes to them for their future choices.
Elizabeth Allan
Science Learning Area Leader
Caulfield Primary School Visit GEC
Last week, grade 5 students from Caulfield Primary School came to experience science immersion and English classes in high school! The grade 5 students were very impressed with the machines the immersion science students built and had a great time getting buddied up with year 7 students while exploring the GEC library.
Karen Muramatsu
Science Immersion, Science and Japanese Teacher