Languages Corner

What a busy end of year in our language classes!
Students in the year 7 French First Language class participated in a French drama workshop. They participated in a variety of drama games, engaged in improvisation exercises and collaborated to create a little play based on Les Fourberies de Scapin, a famous play by Moliere.
Congratulations to the Year 9 French First Language students who have completed 3 years of rigorous studies in French following the French curriculum. They worked hard over the past 3 years to be able to maintain and develop a high level of French and a strong connection to French culture. Some of these students sat for the DELF B2 exam. It is an important examination allowing them to go to French university in the future. Félicitations et bonne chance pour les résultats!
In term 4, students in the Year 9 French immersion program studied the Holocaust and to conclude this topic, they went to the Holocaust Museum. They had the privilege to meet with Sarah Saaroni, a Holocaust survivor. Sarah was born in Poland and she was 13 when the war started. At 16, she went to Germany using a fake ID and had to hide there before being captured by the Gestapo. She survived and ended up moving to Australia a few years later. It was a real privilege to meet her and hear her story. Students were very attentive and respectful and had the opportunity to ask Sarah some questions.
To conclude the French immersion program, students in 9C had lunch at Roule Galette, a French restaurant in Carnegie. They were so happy to celebrate together their achievements and to eat some delicious crepes!
Celine Fompudie
Languages Learning Area Leader
Year 8 French Local Area Excursion
On Friday 17 November, year 8 French students explored the area around Glen Eira College, visiting Caulfield Racecourse Reserve, Glen Huntly Park, and the newly refurbished Glen Huntly Station. They bought food at nearby shops on Glen Huntly Road, having recess at Booran Reserve.
Students completed a Scavenger Hunt (chasse au trésor) during the excursion, enabling them to practise their newly learned French vocabulary in order to use directions and describe landmarks.
Kristina Lecluyse
French Teacher
Year 7 Onigiri Action
Year 7 Japanese students recently participated in Onigiri Action, a global campaign aimed at addressing the global food imbalance. While there are many communities who have excess food and produce excess waste, simultaneously there are many communities without sufficient food. Onigiri Action is an annual event timed around World Food Day, where people make onigiri and post photos on the campaign website ( For every photo, 5 healthy school meals are provided to those in need.
Together, the Year 7 Japanese students contributed to over 210 school meals!! We made many unique onigiri (rice balls) - think cats, pandas, bears...! Thank you to Nishikubo Sensei, Muramatsu Sensei and Ikeda Sensei for their help during these classes. 🍙
Kai Kurashige
Japanese Teacher
Year 12 French
What better way for a Year 12 French class to destress a few days before the final exam than with a crepe-making session in the Food Tech room? Sonia had very kindly offered to take special requests for toppings, so we were spoiled with preserved strawberries, Nutella and one very controversial topping that had previously threatened to divide the class: lemon and sugar. As we flipped, tossed and flung our crepes with gleeful abandon, those pre-exam jitters just melted away. Thanks again to the wonderful Sonia for helping to make it happen!
Julia Pound
French and English Language Teacher
Celebrating Year 9 Japanese
A few weeks ago we celebrated the end of Year 9 Japanese with an obento box order😋! Thank you to Nishikubo Sensei, Melches Sensei and Inoue Sensei for organising the event and ensuring it ran smoothly.
Last week the Year 9 immersion Japanese class also ventured into Melbourne CBD for an end-of-year excursion. We did a scavenger hunt at Daiso, and visited various Japanese eateries including Coppe Pan, Uncle Tetsu's, Le Bajo Milkbar and 279, enjoying everything from fluffy cheesecake and Pon de Ring mochi donuts, to yakisoba bread and onigiri. Thank you to Peter Bales for helping on the day. Congratulations to all 9E students for their 3 years of hard work! よくがんばりました
Kai Kurashige
Japanese Teacher
Languages Assembly
To finish up the year, we celebrated the achievements of our students in languages in a special assembly. Congratulations to all the award recipients and special mention to the year 9 French and Japanese immersion students and the French first language students who completed their language program. They have worked very hard over the past 3 years and should be very proud of their achievement. Bravo à tous ! おめでとう!
Celine Fompudie
Languages Learning Area Leader