Library Corner

Best wishes to everyone for a relaxing summer break. It’s been another wonderful year in the GEC Library. Top loans in 2023 for print books include ‘One of us is lying’ by Karen M. McManus, ‘Divergent’ by Veronica Roth and long time favourite, the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling. In our digital book collection, ‘One of us is lying’ by Karen M. McManus, ‘The Martian’ by Andy Weir and long time favourites, the Percy Jackson and Hunger Games series were the top loaned items.
Book Club Excursion
In November, the Book Club headed off for a fun day out at the State Library of Victoria. Filled with excitement and ready to buy books, we started by taking the train to Melbourne Central. After a little picnic break, we spent some time looking around the Readings bookshop and bought some fantastic new books for the GEC library (as well as a couple for ourselves). Then we got started on our amazing tour with the lovely Janet. Her enthusiasm was only beaten by our excitement to be exploring the library (and learning some fun facts on the way). We were shocked to discover that in one of the galleries hung a painting that was donated by our very own librarian, Ms Clare’s family. After a great tour, we sat on the library steps and ate our lunch. It was a great way to end an even better day that we all really enjoyed. A big thanks to Ms Schmidtke for coming with us and to Ms Clare for organising the trip, we’re already counting down the days till next year’s!
GEC Book Club
Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge
Congratulations to the students who completed the 2023 Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge. Students were presented their certificates and all went in the draw to win prizes. Congratulations to the winners, Max and Monako!
Big Summer Read
The Big Summer Read is again taking place at Glen Eira Libraries this summer between 1 December 2023 – 31 January 2024. Summer holidays are the perfect time to indulge in books and read for fun. To play, participants just need to read and log ten or more books to be entered in the prize draw. This year Glen Eira Libraries is offering prizes including a VR headset, wireless headphones and a Lego voucher. There is also a big Statewide draw with even more prizes up for grabs. Find out more here.
Library Links
Library Catalogue:
Digital Books:
Students sign into both the catalogue and digital books with their EduPass account details.
Clare Murayama