Teaching and Learning

As we approach the end of the school year, staff are actively preparing and collating Semester 2 Student Reports.
These contain vital information about your child’s academic progress across all subjects, as well as updates on their attitude to learning within the classroom.
You will shortly be receiving the following information:
Progress Reports
For students in Years 7-11 these provide a six-week snapshot of your child’s progress across four keys areas in each of their subjects. As teachers, we will provide you feedback on:
- Quality of Work
- Effort
- Classroom Participation
- Classroom Behaviour
There will also be an overall Satisfactory/Not Satisfactory awarded for Learning Progress across the preceding six-weeks.
Semester Reports
These are delivered twice a year at the end of Term 2 and Term 4 on XUNO. They provide an overall picture of your child’s academic progress across the Semester. They are composed of two parts:
- Assessment Task Results
- Victorian Curriculum Report
The former is a collection of all the Assessment Task results your child has been awarded throughout the Semester. There is also a Subject Descriptor to provide you with a brief overview of content that has been covered. Grades are awarded in line with the GEC Assessment and Reporting Policy. You will find the GEC Performance Key used for grading on the final page of this report.
The latter indicates your child’s level based on the Victorian Curriculum. This enables you to track the overall progress of your child across years.
The above two documents can also be used in conjunction with qualitative and anecdotal feedback received from teachers, as well as standardised testing data through tests such as NAPLAN. We encourage you to have regular conversations with your children to celebrate their learning and progress.
Please get in touch if you have any further queries.
Daniel Bouchet-Hibbert
Teaching & Learning Leader