Interschool Debating

Debating Association of Victoria (DAV) Interschool Debating Competition
This year many Glen Eira College students attended training sessions at lunchtime with the Public Speaking and Debating Club to train for the various public speaking and debating competitions held in Victoria. The Interschool Debating Competition, held in the evenings, was hosted by McKinnon Secondary College and many district schools competed.
The Glen Eira College team consisted of Dev Brahmbhatt in year 7 and Pranit Praveen, Avik Kamath, Asher Greenblat, Milja Lin and Sharannya Chakravorty of year 8. The team won their debates in two of the three rounds conducted. Twice, students from the team, Asher Greenblatt and Sharannya Chakravorty won the award for Best Speaker in the debate.
Well done to all students who represented the College in this competition and dedicated many lunchtimes and evenings to preparing and rehearsing their speeches and predicting and preparing their rebuttals.
The team would like to thank the office staff for their logistical support and Clare in the Library for the additional lunchtime help.
Lyzette Chislett
Public Speaking and Debating Club Organiser