Year 10 

Work Experience 2024

YEAR 10 WORK EXPERIENCE 24th-28th JUNE 2024 

All Year 10 students will complete work experience during the week of 24-28 JUNE. They have been informed about the process of obtaining work experience and have been given a Student Booklet which contains hints on how to find work experience, a sample application email and sample resume. The Official Forms have also been given to students and these need to be completed and signed by employers, parent/guardians and students once they have obtained a placement. 

Please note new Official Forms were given out to students on Thursday 23rd November to replace the ones that were previously given out due to Ministerial Order Changes. The new forms have 3 pages and have Ministerial Order 1413 at the top of the page.  

There is also a separate Travel and Accommodation form that needs to be completed if students are travelling with the employer to or from work or during the day. If students are not staying at their usual residence during work experience week, the accommodation section needs to be completed as well.  

Work Experience is competitive, so start looking now to secure a position in your chosen field. 






Official Forms need to be returned to the Careers/Pathways Office by the end of Term 1 2024, at the latest, but it would be preferable if they could be returned this year fully signed.  

Students are encouraged to try to find work experience in an area that they would like to pursue as a career, as it is a good opportunity for them to explore career options. 

We are here to assist students with this process, but we encourage students to take the initiative in finding their placements.    

There are also a number of restrictions on work experience placements.  

1.   Students must be 15 years of age by June 24th, 2024, in order to undertake Work Experience. (Please see me if you are under 15).

 2. Work Experience in the trades and building industry requires approval by the Work Experience Co-ordinator and the Principal as well as “White Card Training” and accreditation. This training will be organised by the school through the CFMEU before Work Experience and costs approximately $90-100 (TBC). Therefore, it is essential that students who are thinking of completing Work Experience in the trade area find a placement as soon as possible and return the Work Experience form for approval. 

 3.  Work Experience with animals has many restrictions. There are strict guidelines in place which need to be followed and extra forms to complete which need approval. Students who are interested in working with animals need to gain their placement as soon as possible and seek approval from the Work Experience 

Co-ordinator and collect the extra forms for completion. 

4. Due to COVID-19, there may be extra regulations in place in some settings. 

Please be aware that students undertaking work experience may be subject to the vaccination status of that workplace, so they need to ensure that they ask about these requirements when obtaining work experience and that they meet them.  

Work Experience has been introduced to Year 9 students so that they can get their placement organised as soon as possible, as many schools have work experience at a similar time. Once a placement has been offered, please arrange a time to have the employer fill in their details on the form and then organise for other sections to be completed by Parent/Guardian and the Student. Please return the form to Ms Alexander and I will ask Ms Barker, the Principal to sign the form once it has been checked. We would appreciate as many completed work experience forms being returned by the end of this year, where possible please. 

Resources for work experience have been uploaded in a COMPASS post. 

Please do not hesitate to contact me for any further information or assistance regarding Work Experience. 


Jane Alexander  
