2023 Presentation Ball

The annual Presentation Ball is a rite of passage for many of our Year 11 students. This is a night that is looked forward to with much anticipation. 

This year the Ball was held on Friday October 20th at the Luxor Function Centre and after weeks of dance lessons the students showed off their newly acquired skills in front of family and friends. 

Our Assistant Principals Ms Rose Thomson and Mr Angus McLean, Senior Student Engagement Leader Mr Anthony Ellul and School Council President Ms Kate Lansbury were all in attendance on the evening. It was very impressive to see the students demonstrating the college values of Courage, Aspiration, Respect and Equality. 


The students’ commitment to the dance lessons and final rehearsals, along with their energy, enthusiasm and obvious enjoyment made the evening a great success. 


Thank you to Melissa Loterzo and her team at Diamante Debutantes for their organisation of this amazing evening.