Memories - Alumni Reunions

Tim Dehn - Community Relations Manager

Laughter ... hugs ... stories ... a little food, a glass or two - and that's all it takes to make a successful reunion. 


We've held two since July - a ten-year reunion for the Class of 2013 (pictured above) and, just a few weeks ago, a 30-year reunion for the Class of 1993. In both cases the enthusiasm was evident from the moment guests walked through the door, and lasted until the last stragglers left, three hours later.


And that seems a good enough definition  of success, and affirms the value of why we run 5-, 10-, 20- and 30-year reunions - to reconnect former students with each other and with their school - your school - as it changes and grows through the years.


One of our guests from the Class of 1993 reunion offered this reaction to the event later:

I enjoyed how casual it was, that we were given space and time to catch up. I felt you guys were very patient. It was good to walk around and see where we had our classes etc. 

And this was what a Class of 2013 student had to say:

I really enjoyed the tour of the school. Also loved the picture slides.

Take a look at the Class of 2013 reunion here and the Class of 1993 reunion here  - how many faces do you recognise?


Next year we plan to run four reunions - the Class of 2019 in June; the Class of 2014 in July; the Class of 2004 in August, and, finally, the Class of 1994 in October.