School Council

On Thursday 23 November, the School Council gathered in person for the second to last meeting of 2023.
The Policy and Curriculum Committee were tasked with the review of documentation relating to updated Childsafe Standards and reviewed the Camps & Excursions Policy, the Duty of Care Policy and the Anaphylaxis Policy. All of these documents are regularly reviewed to ensure they are up to date and are available on the school website.
The key focus of this meeting was the review of the 2024 program budget. It is always an eye opener to see how many elements have to come together to make a budget for a school of 1300 students. From art supplies to photocopy paper, stationary, scissors, glue and glitter, technology, digital subscriptions and maintenance. It has all been balanced and planning for class numbers, staff and grey leads is well under way.
Sue talked briefly to the ongoing staffing challenges, particularly with quite a few bundles of joy on the way. Other teachers are moving on to amazing promotions or taking time off to undertake long awaited adventures. Although we wish them all the very best, the end of the year is always a little bittersweet as we welcome the holidays but have to say goodbye to much loved educators.
Foundation enrolments are down on 2023 and anyone who hasn’t already enrolled their kinder kids, are encouraged to head into the office and get the paperwork started. Families are also asked to talk to the staff in the office if you have plans to move schools next year.
We discussed Naplan results and how our teachers will adapt their teaching plans to address identified areas of concern for each cohort. The oval upgrade is slowly progressing and we have had a wonderful year of fundraising which will be rounded out with the Christmas Raffle. A huge shout out to those who have donated items and also to the Parents & Friends volunteers who have done and will continue to do so much work behind the scenes to make this event a success.
Finally we got to endorse some amazing activities to round out the year:
- Grade 6 Graduation is an event not to be missed. Happening on Monday 18 December, the graduating class will be farewelled in style. However due to regulated capacity limits in the gym, tickets are limited to 2 per student.
- Grade 5 Robotics Team. This small but brilliant team will take part in the National Finals in Tasmania from 15 to 17 December. We wish them all the best and hope they have a lot of fun.
Our next School Council meeting is scheduled for 7 December via Webex.
Sharon Gatt – School Council President