Principal's Message

A message from our Principal

Dear Families


We are now well into our planning for next year, as well as preparations for the end of the year, although the learning program will continue right until the finish of school.  Included in this work is the election of our school captains and vice captains for 2024.  Congratulations to the following students:



Caleb G

Devanya M



















Vice Captains

Chaitra Y

Ysabella M


















These students were elected following a comprehensive selection process which initially began in their own classroom and finished with a presentation and questions to be answered at an interview – the selection panel comprising of the four student leaders in 2023, and three staff.  Note that all members of this panel had equal weighting when it came to the final vote.  


Putting your hand up to be considered for the role of school captain takes courage and a belief that you can make a difference.  I want to personally congratulate all students who tried out to be school captains next year.  I know that if you missed out you will be disappointed and that is understandable, but you need to be very proud of yourself that you were willing to give it a try. 


Our next step will be to elect the house captains for 2024, with members of the Junior School Council (JSC) elected early next year.


School attendance

Even though the school year is ending we remind everyone that attendance remains a priority.  Lots of learning is still going on.  Old topics are revisited and revised, and new concepts are introduced.  Children will begin to experience some of the curriculum for next year and will be disadvantaged                                                                                                   every day they are absent.  

Full school uniform also continues to be an expectation. 


2024 Dates 

To assist families with planning for next year, please be advised of the following dates:

  • Monday 29th January: Teachers return to school. 
  • Tuesday 30th January Pupil Free Day – teachers planning and professional learning. 
  • Wednesday 31st January ALL students commence school.

Other curriculum and pupil free days include:

  • Wednesday, February 14
  • Friday, April 26 (day after the public holiday for ANZAC Day)
  • Monday, November 4 (Day before the public holiday for the Melbourne Cup)

It will be a busy ride between now and the end of this year with only a few weeks left in the term. Families are reminded that Term 4 will conclude on Wednesday 20th December at 1:15pm, following our traditional farewell to our year six cohort.  



Last Day of school

Some points to note:

  • Students will meet their new classmates for 2024 – and, if they are available, their new teacher.
  • No school bags are to come to school on the last day. Food for snack time should be in a disposable container.
  • This will be a casual dress day – but no open toed shoes are permitted, and shoulders must be covered.  Students will need a hat.
  • There will be NO lunch break on this day, children will need to eat when they get home.
  • The canteen will operate – but it will have a very limited menu and lunch orders will not be available.

Christmas raffle

A big thank you to those families who have already donated to our annual Christmas raffle.  We do continue to seek donations of Christmas themed items (bon bons, shortbread, decorations) and other items in new condition.  We will then combine these  into many hampers which will be used as prizes in the raffle.  These contributions can be left with your child’s class teacher or at the front office.  





Student learning in the holidays

Parents often ask how they can ensure their child’s learning does not slip during the long holiday break.  There is one simple answer:  reading.  Ensure that your son or daughter spends some time each day engaged in reading.  Also take the time to read with and to them, this makes the process more enjoyable for the child, and provides them with a good role model on which to base their reading behaviours.  We often talk to the children about the Australian Cricket team:  players will not be selected for the team if they haven’t practiced as they won’t be good enough.  The same is true of reading.  To be a successful learner you need to practice, practice, practice….. not just when a teacher is checking up on the process.  You need to be a successful reader to be successful in all other aspects of the curriculum.  


Oval Update



Work on the oval continues and we will see a vast difference when we return to school in 2024.  With this in mind, we are hopeful of regaining use of it in term two next year.  




Foundation attendance in term one, 2024

School Council has approved that our youngest students have Wednesdays off for the month of February only next year as they adjust to the busyness of school life.  On one of these Wednesdays your child will be required to attend for a teacher-student interview, which will last less than an hour.  Please arrange alternative care for your foundation student on these days.  



Enjoy the upcoming weekend everyone. The weather looks promising for some outside activities.  


Sue Seneviratne
