Kids Corner
The Kids Corner section of this fortnight’s newsletter features items from the children. This fortnight I am very proud to share some of our Year 2’s reflection on their excursion to Scienceworks, where the children share the science concepts learnt:
The Learning Intention – To Demonstrate My Learning from the Excursion
At Scienceworks, I experienced the snow cage where there were buttons to control the machine and a see-through cage with some snow. You had to push the buttons to activate the machine and the snow was flaky and smooth. Even though I couldn’t feel it, I could describe it! It also included a force – push!
Also we tried the climbing wall, now that is not going to push you. You have to push yourself, its kind of like jumping. Your legs push or support the weight so you can jump. It also relates to the climbing wall!
The learning experience was, “What turbulence is?”
It is when there is a cross wind hitting both sides of the plane and it shakes the plane. That is turbulence.
For example, if the plane is shaking, it is most likely turbulence. I learnt that at the Beyond Perception exhibition.
The first thing I experienced at Scienceworks was the race. You need to quickly push yourself in the race when the audio said, “Ready, set, go!”
The second thing that I experienced was when the smiley ball was dropped rapidly, but the ground pushed the ball back up. The air cannon had a delayed action for a pull and a rapid action for push. That’s because you need to pull slowly to get the air and release it so the air can come up.