The Summit

Secondary Camp

In week 8, the the secondary students had the privilege of going on a camp called the Summit and had a challenging but fantastic time. Here's what a few of the students had to say: 


Toakase: The summit camp is the most fun thing that I’ve ever been to in my life because it is my first time on a camp and everything we did was epic - the activities, the food we had, the coaches and some other things. At this camp I learned so many things in life such as being strong, facing our fears, trusting our teammates and to love, care, help and to encourage each other in everything. The Summit camp did so many activities that I haven’t done before such as flying fox, sky bridge, high wire, summit window (which was the scariest thing I’ve ever done) giant swing nail rock (which was the most painful thing I did in camp) cave challenge, laser skirmish, snake experience, tank experience and the most fun thing was the mud run. The most fun thing in camp was when the teacher joins us in most of the activities that we’ve done, and having a coach that is always there for us, encouraging us and giving us instruction before doing the activities also the camp had provided us food for breakfast, lunch and dinner.


Josh: I had an exciting time at the summit. Some of the activities we had was “the summit window” we had to climb a series of ladders up to 21 meters then onto a small ladder like pole up another 4+ meters. The second would be the big swing that was extremely fun -  Jo and I went to the highest level and completed that even though it was excruciating pain it was still fun. Then we went to the abseiling. I could not wait. It was too fun it was a bit nerve-racking to stand on the edge and lean back walk down. I then started to jump, and I jumped and jumped until I was jumping far and going down super-fast. That was so fun I wanted to do it another 100 times. The last height activity was the rock-climbing wall I loved it so much I did the more difficult side of the tower I was one of the two people that made it to the top of the tower. There was also a cave that was probably the hardest thing for me to do. It was about 3-5 metres deep but pitch black and it did take me a while to get to the end. There was also a big flimsy bridge that goes across the lake, its call “the sky bridge,” that was also one of the most fun activities. I started of strong then just before the rise I stuttered and did a 360 spin on the bridge then made it to the end. The accommodation was okay it was only good for 4 people per cabin and the amenities were okay. That is my opinion and how the Summit camp went for me. 


Caeden: The Scavenger Hunt 


In which Andy loses both his shoes 


I jog steadily, my heart hammering in my chest. I can feel a stitch jabbing painfully in my side, but I must keep up the pace. Josh is ahead by a few meters, and Andy and me are trying to catch up, but to no avail. We turn a corner, and our gaze is filled with the sight of long jagged tracks, created by some behemoth of a vehicle. Josh hops easily from side to side, traversing the treacherous terrain like a graceful gazelle. We try to follow suit and start hopping from one dry patch to another. When we are about halfway, Andy suddenly jumps to the left, seeing a potential shortcut which would increase his chances of catching up to our speedy friend. I turn my focus back to the situation at hand, concentrating fiercely on where I will land next. A loud “OUCH” and a thud fills my ears and I start, just barely making a last-ditch effort to reach the other side. I turn, concerned for my friend’s well-being. What I see next is so comical I can’t help but let out a giggle. Andy sits there, his socks muddy and his hands and knees scraped. I look back, and I can just barely make out two shoes almost submerged in the thick, oozing mud. “Andyyyyy”, I sigh in mock exasperation. I reach over and carefully pick both out of the mud. “I am not cleaning them afterwards, I assure you”. Then I turn around and set off again, Josh just a floppy haired speck in the distance. 



The Summit wrote:


Our team had an absolute blast with your teachers and students. There were plenty of highlights and breakthroughs throughout the camp. Our coaches have written a blog based on your camp.
You can have a read here :