Principal's Panorama

Zoe Nugent 

Wow...2023... this year has been a crazy mix of tracking along at an easy pace and...a whirlwind of crazy fun learning, strategic change, community, love,  paperwork, .. paperwork.... more paperwork and more fun and learning and love and more paperwork! 


Through it all, we have been a community of angels who 'strive ever higher' to share the love, the mystery, the curiosity of God's creation.  


What a gift you all are, I want to express my gratitude to our dedicated and passionate team of skilled helpful adults. Your commitment to nurturing and guiding our students goes beyond the call of duty.

In a small school like ours, every member plays a crucial role in shaping the future of our young people, and in turn… society. 

Your hard work, creativity, and tireless efforts have not gone unnoticed.  


Thank you to my Leadership Team; Eli Simpson, Theresa Grills and Tiffany Ahumada for your unwavering focus on our young people.  

You have helped me to continue to grow as an educator, as a leader and I appreciate every challenge thrown my way.  


Thank you to Fr. O’Shea for his leadership of our school and parish and a special thanks to the School Advisory Board headed by Mr Anthony Rosser for their guidance and wisdom as we navigated this year together. I look forward to working with you again in the new year.  


Congratulations and thanks to the Parent and Friends Committee for their absolute dedication to their students and school, thank you to Felicity Williams, our P & F President for your brilliant leadership and for trialling new things, thank you to our core group of supporters. There is no way we could do a quarter of our community engagement events without you, let alone support our young people with additional resources and excursion support.


To the parents and families, thank you for entrusting us with the education and well-being of your children. Your partnership and support have been invaluable. We believe that education is a collaborative effort between school and home, and your involvement has contributed significantly to the success of our young people.

I also want to highlight the significant impact of system support from the Catholic Schools Office Armidale.  We do not do this work as a silo and we improve with a continuous focus on data, feedback and support. From support with staffing, and professional development with our valued Subject Matter experts, to the AP and REC secondment of Eli Simpson, you have made challenging times like Mary Poppins’ Spoonful of sugar.


I also want to acknowledge the system improvement approach that has provided us with a roadmap for effective leadership and continuous improvement. 

By focusing on clarity of purpose, expectations, and feedback, we have strengthened our collaborative efforts to enhance teaching and learning. 

With greater emphasis on evidence-based decision-making our educators have been empowered to make informed choices that directly impact student outcomes.

By incorporating this framework into our school culture it has begun to allow us to set clear goals, monitor progress, and celebrate achievements. It is continuing to build a culture of transparency, where communication flows between educators, parents, and students; true partnership. 

The focus on our skilled helpful adults and our young people within the "Living Well, Learning Well" support framework, underpins EVERYTHING we do, it guides us in fostering an environment where our young people not only thrive academically but also develop into well-rounded individuals, who are ready to leap; hope filled into the future.


As we reflect on the past year, the "Living Well, Learning Well" framework has been instrumental in shaping our approach to education. 

It recognises that a student's well-being is paramount to their success, and our commitment to their growth extends beyond the confines of the classroom. 

Through this framework, we have embraced a student-centric model that prioritises mental, emotional, and social well-being, ensuring that our students feel safe, respected, cared for and valued, learners.


This year has brought its fair share of challenges, especially considering our rural setting. However, our community has shown incredible resilience. We've faced adversity with a spirit of unity and determination. 

From adapting to new teaching pedagogy to overcoming logistical challenges, we've worked together to provide the best possible learning environment for our young people.

Speaking of our MVP’s, I am continually amazed by their talents, enthusiasm, and potential. 

In a small school, each person is known by name, not just by a number. Our personalised approach to education allows us to recognise and foster the unique qualities of every child. Whether it's academic achievements, artistic talents, or athletic accomplishments, our students have shone brightly this year.

Looking ahead, I am excited about the possibilities that the coming year holds. Together, as a community, we will continue to build on our successes and overcome any challenges that may come our way.  

Our small rural school is a place where dreams are nurtured, where potential is unlocked, and where every individual matters.


Every day I am humbled by your ideas, your resilience, your absolute dedication to making this community the best it can be for our young people.

In doing so, we make Guyra and by further extension, our world, a better place.


2024 Staffing

Principal: Mrs Zoe Nugent

Assistant Principal: Mrs Elizabeth Lockwood

Religious Education Coordinator: Mrs Elizabeth Lockwood

Leader of Curriculum (LoC): Mrs Elizabeth Lockwood

Leader of Pedagogy (LoP): Mrs Theresa Grills 


Inclusion Support Teacher: Mrs Bernadette Phelps 

Mathematics Specialist Teacher (MaST): Miss Eleisha Outridge 

Sports Coordinator: Miss Eleisha Outridge 


Classroom Educators:

Transition: Miss Casey Lennon

Early Stage One: Miss Annabel Cullen

Stage One: Miss Natalia Mayes

Stage Two: Ms Nicolle Shamley

Stage Three: Ms Carla Holmes and Miss Eleisha Outridge

Class cover and Release from Face to Face: Mrs Angela Hayes


Office Administration Staff: 

Mrs Naomi Davidson, 

Ms Amber Ogilvie, 

Mrs Felicity Williams


Education Assistants:

Mrs Cassandra Gaddes

Ms Karen Faint

Mrs Felicity Williams

Miss Anna Jackson

Miss Nioka Levy


Casual Relief Staff:


Miss Casey Lennon

Mrs Caroline Chapman

Mrs Bernadette Phelps

Education Assistant:

Ms Vanessa Boyd

Miss Elizabeth Chard


At this time of Christmas.... when we celebrate, remember the reason we celebrate is the Christ is the reason for the season. May the peace that Christ the Saviour brings, be with you and your families this Christmas.


Blessings for a gentle holiday season, may the season bring you joy, rest and the blessings of faith, love and hope.




