Religious Education 

 Mrs Cheryl Ross | REC Coordinator 

First Holy Communion

Congratulations to the candidates who received the Sacrament of First Holy Communion over the past weekend’s Masses. We are very proud of the way you participated in the Mass, the respectful way you received Communion and the effort you went to, to look amazing!


Over the coming weekend, our second group of candidates will be receiving the Sacrament. We wish you the very best in your preparation for this.


First Holy Communion Masses on this weekend:

9th September:    4:00pm Mass and 5.30pm Mass

10th September:  9.30am Mass


Year 5 - RE Learning Day

Last Friday Year 5, as part of their RE unit on the Sacrament of Holy Orders, spent some time with Fr Anderson and Deacon Zeljko hearing about life as an ordained priest and the journey towards priesthood. The students were also entertained by both Fr Anderson and Deacon Zeljko playing the guitar and singing with them! 


The students had some really interesting questions to ask about the ministry of priesthood and what is involved in preparing to become a priest. I was impressed too with their answers to some of the questions asked by Fr Anderson and Deacon Zeljko! 


Our prayers and thoughts are with Deacon Zeljko too as he prepares for his ordination into the Priesthood on the 4th November.

Fathers' Day Liturgy and Celebrations

What a wonderful morning of celebrations for our Dads!! The Liturgy led by Year 2 would have left many dads with a tear in their eye and a great sense of being valued and loved!


I’m going to share the Reflection that the Year 2 students wrote for their dads…..

‘I’m watching you‘…...  A chance once again to let the dads/ father figures in our lives know the significant role they have in shaping the people around them…..


Dad, you don’t know it right now, but I’m watching you. 

Watching the things you do.

I’m watching the way you treat people. 

The way you treat your friends and your family.

The way you live your life has a BIG impact on me.

When it’s time for me to choose a career and provide for MY family, your work ethic will be on my mind.

The time you spend with me, even doing simple things fills me with happiness and gives me a sense of security.

There will be times in my life when I will recall when you stood up for what is right. Even when you could have looked the other way. 

YOU need to know the choices you make, are the choices that I will also be making.

Please don’t be afraid to show me your failures or mistakes because I will learn from them.

Dad, are you listening? I’m watching you.

Watching to see if you will show me the way.

I’m watching you Dad. Every day.


You’re teaching me how to live… whether you know it or not.

Grade Masses

A reminder that you are always most welcome to join in celebrating the Mass with your child’s grade. Grade Masses take place on most Fridays at 9.15am as part of the Parish morning Mass. This week Year 6 will be attending Mass.  Year 5 will be attending on Friday 15th September.  We’d love to see you there! 

THANK YOU for ‘Giving Back’......Alana from 2W

On Wednesday, My family and I made sandwiches for the homeless people in the city. My job was to decorate the bags and write special messages to make them feel happy. The food and water was delivered to the homeless people on Wednesday night. I felt happy that I could help people who don't have a home and may not have much to eat.

Thank you to you and your family Alana,  for being so thoughtful in helping others. You are an inspiration to us all!


Have a fabulous week everyone!



Mrs Cheryl Ross | Religious Education Coordinator