News from our 

Assistant Principal

Louise Gordon


This year's NAPLAN data demonstrates evidence of substantial long term growth in Literacy and Numeracy as a result of quality pedagogical practice and student engagement in learning. Areas of positive growth across the Year 3 and Year 5  cohorts were in Reading, Writing, Spelling and Numeracy.  Across our school network, our school performed particularly well in Writing and Spelling compared to other schools. 


Whole school collaborative analysis of NAPLAN data has resulted in modifications to teaching and learning programs in Kindergarten to Year 6 to review areas for further development across these curriculum areas.

OLF Swimming Program Term 4, 2023


Our school swimming program commences in Term Four at Caringbah Leisure Centre.  Students in Years 2 -5 will participate in an intensive five day program which will operate over four weeks commencing in Week Two, Monday 16th October.



Kindergarten and Year One students will participate in an intensive five day program during Weeks Six and Seven. 


The school annual swimming carnival will be held on Friday 24th November.


Swimming timetables and online parent consent to be completed prior to the program commencing which will be sent out via COMPASS over the next week. Parent helpers will be required for Kindergarten - Year Two.  All parents are requested to contact the office if for any reason their child cannot participate in this school based Physical Education program.


Congratulations to our Year Six students who participated in the Inter School debating competition on Wednesday 30th August at St Francis de Sales Primary School Woolooware. A special thank you to Mrs Bewsher who assisted in preparing the students for this competition. All of our students conducted themselves professionally and presented well researched speeches related to the topic- ‘That Books are Obsolete’.

Father’s Day Stall

We hope all families had an enjoyable day last Sunday celebrating Father’s Day. Thank you to all the parent volunteers who organised and assisted at our Father’s Day stall this year and in particular our parent group representatives.  It was wonderful to see many of our dads volunteering this year! The students always enjoy selecting a special gift for their fathers/grandfathers from the well-chosen gift selection available!

Lunch Orders

Parents are reminded to use the online facility or lunch bag to order lunch orders from the canteen. Many students are coming to school with money to buy their lunch over the counter and not selecting a nutritional lunch.  


Please ensure that your child has a healthy morning tea and lunch.  Many students are bringing in pre-packaged chips and lollies. The students also participate in crunch and sip every morning where they are asked to bring in fruit or vegetables as a quick snack.


National Child Protection Week

From Sunday 3rd September it is National Child Protection Week. This is a wonderful opportunity for everyone in the community to think about how we can work together to keep all children safe.


Importantly, we want to remind everyone that we ALL have a part to play in protecting ALL children. Even small actions can help to improve a child’s future. By building stronger communities, we are creating safer environments for our children.

How can I start playing my part to protect children today (and every day!)?

• Be a good role model for children

• Be kind to children, parents (and yourself!)

• Take the time to really listen to your children 

• Learn about what help services are available so you can support others if they need help

• Don’t judge other parents and families; remember that we’re all trying our best

• Look out for all children, not just your own

• Be a friendly, helpful member of your local community

• Don’t be afraid to ask for help or to ask someone if they need help

Staff Development Days

Term 3, Week 10 - Friday 22nd September and

Term 4  Week 1 -  Monday 9th October 


Please note that our Staff Development Day in Term 3 will be held on the last day of term - Friday, 22 September.  And in term 4 it will be on the first day back Monday, 9th October. These will both be a pupil free day for students.  On these days staff will be engaged in designing programs to implement the new English and Mathematics Syllabus. Supervision will be available if required.







Mrs Louise Gordon | Assistant Principal