News from 

our Principal 

 Mrs Sue Clay

Dear Parents,


As we prepare to say goodbye to winter and welcome in the season of spring let us look with hope and optimism at the sense of warmth, joy, colour and new life that this season brings. 


Throughout the colder darker months of winter your children have continued to learn and grow and develop skills of curiosity, perseverance, resilience, creativity, patience and understanding. So, as we prepare for the delights that spring will bring us, let us celebrate what we have all achieved this term and throughout the year already. 


As a staff over the last two terms we have been addressing and working on creating a vibrant “Vision for Learning” at Our Lady of Fatima. At the heart of our mission lies the profound belief that education is not just about imparting knowledge but also about nurturing young minds to become confident, compassionate, and curious individuals. We embrace curiosity as the driving force behind learning. We inspire students to ask questions, explore, and discover the world around them, igniting a lifelong love for learning.


Over a number of sessions we have explored what it means to be Catholic teachers, our historical context, shared personal experiences and pedagogical practices, looked at our mission and vision statements, our values and guiding principles, the environment and the impact it has on learning. We have also made ourselves aware of the needs of the learner using research theorists and our own personal approaches to guide us. 


Finally, by using an appreciative inquiry approach it has enabled us to gain a deeper understanding of what our vision for learning may look like and feel like. We look forward to finalising this process which will be underpinned by collaborative and contemporary practices ensuring that there is a high quality holistic approach to teaching and learning at Our Lady of Fatima. 

Public Speaking Finals

Congratulations to everyone who participated in their class and grade public speaking program. The standard was high and everyone should be proud of the effort and perseverance displayed in drafting, writing, editing, rehearsing and practicing the delivery of your speeches. “Winning isn’t as important as Participating”!  


In Week 10 we will hold a special assembly to listen to our finalists from each grade. They will be presented with a trophy to acknowledge their achievement.

Parent Fundraising Dinner

Don’t miss the details about the Parent Dinner being organised to be held next term.  A Save the Date has already been released on compass for the 10th November and more details regarding ticket sales will be communicated with you all next week. It promises to be a wonderful opportunity for our school community and for you to socialise, meet new people and raise money for the school. There are a number of awesome prizes, giveaways and silent auction items! 


Thank you to the small group of parents as the driving force behind the organisation of this exciting event. More details to follow!

God of all life…

May your love and light shine in and through me today

In a way that no mask can hide.

May my eyes dance with laughter and joy

Replacing my hidden smile.

May my actions of care and concern

Speak louder than my muffled voice ever could.

And may the generosity of my heart

Radiate out through who I am

And how I respond to the world around me

So that others may not see my mask

But your image shining out

Moving in and through me today.


Br Michael Herry (fms)







Mrs Sue Clay | Principal