HAP - High Ability Program

Ms McNeill's Yea 8 English HAP class enjoyed a sunny afternoon reading and discussing their selected text A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare.
For some, it is the first time that they have been exposed to Shakespearean literature.
Year 9 HAP Excursion to GTAC
Year 9 HAP students had the opportunity to attend an exciting excursion last month at the Gene Technology Access Centre (GTAC).
They collaborated with the University of Melbourne Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Science by contributing to their DNA barcoding project. During the excursion, they extracted DNA from Rugopharynx (a roundworm parasite found in kangaroos) and used PCR to generate DNA barcodes.
All students learnt how to use a micropipette and how to conduct a gel electrophoresis experiment. Back at school, students were able to compare how closely related their Rugopharynx samples are. They were very excited to find out there was potentially over four different species of Rugopharynx in their samples. Mr. Hall and Ms. Ivkov