Food Studies

Our students have studied a wide range of subjects, picking up vital knowledge and abilities that will certainly influence their futures in the food studies industry. Our students have learned a plethora of information that extends beyond the kitchen, covering topics like the fundamentals of cleanliness and safety as well as the complexities of production and the creative design process. Additionally, each lesson has placed a heavy emphasis on sustainability, creating an understanding of the effect our decisions have on the environment.
This term has been a hands-on experience, with students honing their practical skills while fearlessly exploring new and exciting dishes. From whipping up intricate recipes to mastering the art of presentation, their creativity has truly flourished. It's been heartening to witness the transformation from novices to confident and capable cooks.
Assessment has taken on multifaceted dimensions, blending traditional tests with collaborative endeavours. Working together to solve culinary challenges has not only tested their comprehension but also fostered a spirit of teamwork and cooperation. The term has been an embodiment of the adage "learning is fun," as the joy and enthusiasm within the Food Studies classroom have been palpable. Here's to an inspiring term filled with growth, culinary discoveries, and an unwavering passion for the art of food.
IMAGES = Chocolate Bar à Introduction into The Design Process
Steak & Salsa à Food Photography