From the Principal

The excitement is mounting as students are preparing for the Production next week :


There’s only a little over a week to go until our super star students bounce onto the stage and surprise you with their energy and enthusiasm. For those parents who are new to the school, you are in for a treat. It really doesn’t matter whether your child is in prep or year six, they are all doing their best to learn their routines and from the sound of their loud and proud voices, I think they’ve nailed it.

The students will all be heading to Robert Blackwood Theatre next Friday for their stage run through in readiness for the big night.



The excitement across the school this week was about the Book Parade held last Thursday as children were still chatting about the terrific costumes they admired on the day. Thank you to our wonderful parents and carers for getting into the swing of the annual Book Week Parade and helping your child to shine in their dress up clothing.




Parent/ Carer/ Guardian Opinion Survey

I know it’s been busy lately, but if our adult community can provide feedback about the school by completing the ‘Opinion Survey’ it would be well appreciated. The school would like to identify what areas are working well and where we can focus our future attention.

A compass newsfeed with the survey link and school specific ID code will be sent again this week. Thank you to those who have already completed the survey and for those who haven’t, the survey closes this Friday.



Every day at school counts. We know that across the winter season students are better off staying at home if they are laden with coughs, colds and flu, but the sooner they are well again, they need to be at school. The longer a child is at home and the more days they miss, the more anxious and disconnected from their peers they become.

Parents and carers, we do ask that you either phone the office and leave a message advising why your child is absent or alternatively log the absence on compass, but please record a reason. ‘Parent Choice’ is not a valid reason to stay home from school so we will be following up with absences recorded this way. If you are unsure of how to record the absence reason on compass, please either phone or call into the office and we will help you.


ANXIETY WORKSHOP- An event not to be missed

Next term (Wednesday 25 October 6:30 – 8:00pm), we are pleased to host a workshop to support parents to understand and manage anxiety in children. We all become anxious at times and sometimes the reason is known, for example, year sixes may feel anxious about starting at their new secondary school and some students may feel anxious about moving to a different class next year sometimes the reason is not known.

No matter what the cause for anxiety is, this workshop called, ‘Strengthen your Children and Teens Against Anxiety’ will benefit everyone.

Prior to the parent workshop, our staff will be engaged in a 1.5 hour professional development session about Anxiety and Neuro Development Theory into Practice.