From the Principal

Leila Mattner 

Professional Learning and Principal Review

In the latter half of 2022, a number of parents and caregivers provided feedback to me as part of the principal’s cyclic review. Thank you to those of you who took the time to contribute their observations and comments. The data certainly affirmed me in my role and also identified areas of suggested growth. The feedback informs my professional learning plan and my learning conversations with my professional coach.


In addition to regular professional growth, a Principal takes sabbatical from time to time as a way to provide personal and spiritual renewal in what is a consuming role. I will be taking a short period of sabbatical and annual leave at the end of this term, from the middle of Week 9 (20 September), to the end of Week 1, Term 4. My sabbatical leave will be taking part in Lutheran Education Australia’s study tour to Germany for two and a half weeks, and then I hope to relax for a week and a half as a mum before returning to work. I will be back at St Paul on Monday, 23 October. Mr Jason Fay will take the Acting Principal role in my absence.


I thank the board, and Merryn Ruwoldt in particular in her role as Chair for their constant support of the school and my role as I continue to grow and learn, just as we desire continued learning and growth for our children and all other members of our community.

Staffing Announcements

Jason Fay recently shared a number of new LSO staffing appointments within the school. In addition, we have been working to recruit for the 2024 school year, and I am pleased to share the following appointments.


Tayla Sheahan has been appointed to a permanent classroom teacher position. Tayla is an experienced classroom teacher and has worked in LESNW at both Redeemer Lutheran School and Maitland Lutheran School.


Georgia Huxtable has been appointed to a permanent classroom teacher position.

Shannen Dixon has been appointed to a contract classroom teacher position for 2024.


Brigette Stapleton has been appointed to a contract classroom teacher position for 2024. Brigette joins us from Greenwith Primary School, and has been teaching in the Department of Education for a number of years.


Mr Josh Huxtable has been appointed to permanency for his current Performing Arts role 3 days per week, confirming that he will continue to work in Performing Arts alongside Mrs Marlise Janetzki next year.


We very much hope to continue to see Georgina Morrison as a regular TRT in 2024, working alongside her love of nursing, and around her travel plans.


We are also currently in the recruitment process for Inclusive Education Leader and Deputy Principal: Teaching and Learning and so there will be more exciting news to share in the future. 


If you are interested in the roles and advertisements, you can find information on our school website.