Our Star awards...

You're a Star Awards for Week 6 of Term 3 were awarded at assembly on 18 August:
Class | Name | Reason |
FN | Scarlett D | For being brave and having a go at 'show and tell'. Super work Scarlett! |
FH | Jack McG | For coming into school each day with a big smile and positive attitude! Well done Jack. |
FB | Thomas H | For all your good choices this week! Keep up the great job. You are a rock star in FB! |
FW | Michael H | For making strong choices during learning time and putting in his best effort consistently. You're a star! |
1J | Kelson H | For always trying to put your best effort into everything you do! |
1S | Ruby W | For going above and beyond to care for her friends, during this week’s kindness challenge! |
1S | Elena J | For blowing me away with her outstanding improvements, every time we read together! |
1W | Bailey A | For her detailed Narratives that include conversations between characters. Fabulous work Bailey! |
2G | Dustin S | For your amazing focus during daily reading. |
2M | Sophie F | For your consistent respectful attitude towards everyone and your ongoing readiness to learn. |
2N | Harvey K | For doing an amazing job with his response and information writing. |
2N | Marco C | For always completing his work on time and helping in the classroom without being asked. |
2T | Ethem G | For being a responsible class member who always has a positive attitude and tries his best. |
3B | Sophia B | For her outstanding effort during concert practise this week! Awesome work Sophia! |
3B | Aidan B | For consistently putting his hand up and sharing insightful comments during The Wind in the Willows sessions this week! |
3H | Eva R | For making meaningful contributions to our Inquiry discussions on Forces. Well done Eva! |
3H | Zayn H | For his excellent focus and effort during our procedural writing sessions. Keep up the great work! |
3J | Brooklyn C | For providing some really great answers to The Wind in the Willows questions. |
3J | Ed T | For punctuating dialogue accurately during sentence level activities. |
3R | Ollie W | For an excellent effort to improve his editing and punctuation skills! |
3R | Lucia C | For approaching all tasks with a positive attitude and a smile on her face! |
4B | Dominic R | For showing creativeness and enthusiasm during our writing sessions this week. |
4D | Blake O | For your friendly and happy nature that you bring to school every day, thank you for being you! |
4D | Cooper M | For your contributions to class discussions, thank you for putting in the effort to impact to our group in a positive way! |
4P | Lachlan P | For his amazing effort with his writing and earning his pen license. Well done Lachlan. |
4P | Zoe G | For always giving 100% effort to all that you do in class & striving to do your very best at everything. Super proud of you Zoe. |
4S | Marianne N | For her focused approach to improving her handwriting and enthusiasm during our ideas sessions. |
5G | Lachlan B | For demonstrating excellent work habits and striving to complete tasks to a high standard. |
5H | Minnie C | For her improved participation during classroom discussions. Well done Minnie! |
5H | Jasmine F | For her hard work, focus and enthusiasm during all reading fluency and comprehension tasks. |
5O | Emma H | For writing a wonderful response paragraph on our mentor text 'A Long Walk to Water'. |
5O | Akira S | For consistently working well with others by demonstrating respect and co-operation. |
5R | Riley C | For helping a friend in class by using kind and meaningful feedback on writing task! |
5S | Mackenzie S | For her consistently positive, generous and thoughtful attitude towards others. Well done Mackenzie! |