School News
School News
School News
School News
In a primary school, classroom Attendance Rolls are completed twice a day. Once to begin the day straight away at 9am and then in the afternoon following lunchtime play. After the morning rolls have been completed, an automated text message is sent via Compass to the parents of any student who has an unexplained absence. This means a student marked not present by the class teacher who does not already have an attendance note on compass explaining their absence.
From Term 3 all attendance notes added to Compass by parents and staff have required the ‘Details/Comments’ section to be completed alongside the ‘Reason’ for the attendance note to be submitted. This can be as short as one or two words or a detailed reason to explain the absence.
If an attendance note is not submitted, therefore resulting in an unexplained absence, our office staff will be in contact during the day to assist in the completion of this requirement.
As in all school communities, some families relocate at the end of the year. Please advise the office as soon as possible if you will not be returning to PPS in 2024. We also require families to complete and submit an Exit Form, this can be found on our website by clicking HERE.
As you will understand, projected enrolments influence our workforce planning and class configurations. Some families share their intentions with their children and others wait until the time is right. Please be assured that all information shared with us is confidential.
At the office we have three pairs of prescription glasses that have been handed in over the last few weeks. Please pop in, or give us a call is you think these might be yours.