Mr Bainbridge's Bulletin

Last week we had over fifty Grade 3, 4 and 5 children participate in the Prime Minister’s Spelling Bee.
The competition consisted of two year level groups, a Grade 3/4 group and a Grade 5/6 Group. The children had to spell 30 words as best as they could and also in as quick a time as possible. The words were read to the children, repeated in a sentence and then read for a second time. The children also had the opportunity to utilise a ‘hint’ button to further explain the meaning or origin of a word. Scores are then given out of the total of 30 and progressions possible to a State Round and then a National Round. Congratulations to all students who participated in the Spelling Bee and for giving it their best effort.
Here is a screenshot from the practice page from the competition website. If you’re interested in having a go at the practice page visit,
With the uptake in interest this year we will look to run the Spelling Bee again next year for interested Grade 3-6 children.