From the Principal

Concert – ‘Parkdale Steps Back in Time’
Tuesday 5th September at The Palais Theatre
12 days to go until the big event. Ms Willis has done a fantastic job working with the children on their songs and dances (2G are running through their steps in the photo above). The children are ready and very excited about performing. Thank you to the parents who have organised and sourced the costume accessories.
Tickets for the concert went on sale last week.
Curriculum Day
Wednesday 6th September will be a Curriculum Day. TheirCare will operate a Pupil Free Day, if you require this service, please book directly through TheirCare. Click on the logo to access the booking page on the TheirCare website.
2024 School Year
If you have a child in Foundation to Year 5 who will not be returning to PPS next year, could you please inform the office or the class teacher via email ASAP; and then complete an Exit Form. This will assist with planning for class structures and staffing for 2024.
Grade 5 Leadership
The Grade 5 students participated in the Aspire Higher Leadership Program today. This is high energy, high impact training, and it calls upon every student to contribute through their influence, strengths, teamwork and actions.
Aerobics - Nationals
Congratulations to our Aerobics teams, Rockin Robics placed 3rd and Starbursts are National champions placing 1st. A fantastic result for both teams and all their hard work.
Prime Minister’s Spelling Bee
We have several students participating in the Prime Minister’s Spelling Bee. This is a National Spelling Competition that is completed online. Students answer 30 random spelling words per round. They complete the initial round and then depending on results can move onto State and National rounds. The first round of the competition was on Wednesday 16th August.
Athletics Trials Grades 3-6
Well done to students in Grades 3-6 who participated in the Athletics Trials last week. The weather was kind to us, resulting in perfect conditions for the day. It is always nice seeing the children having a go, cheering their friends, and socialising for the day. Thank you to Mr A, and parents for running the events.
District Basketball was held on Monday at Parkdale Secondary College. This is a Round Robin event against other schools in the network. Both our boys and girls’ teams played exceptionally well over the course of the day and finished 2nd in their pool.
Grade 6 Camp
Grade 6 students had a great time at Log Cabin Camp last week. The children had a visit to Sovereign Hill (no gold was found) and participated in a range of activities such as the leap of faith, ropes course, commando course and the flying fox. Thank you to the staff and parents who attended the camp.
Book Week
Monday 21st to Friday 25th August
Dress up day for book week is on Friday 25th August. Year levels have run a variety of Literacy activities throughout the week.
Father’s Day/Special Person
The Fathers’ Day Stall and breakfast is next Friday, 1st September. All breakfast orders to be placed via Qkr!. Orders close tomorrow, Friday 25th August.
Items will cost between $1 and $7. Children to bring no more than $7 in a named zip lock bag. Children need to bring a bag to put gifts in to take home.
From Monday 4th September children are required to wear a hat which is in line with our SunSmart policy. Please ensure your child has a school hat, navy and wide brimmed and named. If you need to order a hat from our uniform supplier, PSW, click on the photo. No Hat, No Play
Leanne Bradney