Year 7 Arts and Technologies

In Year 7, all students will complete a Year-Long Art and Design subject. Students will also complete one Semester of Music, and one Semester of Digital Technologies.
Core Arts and Technologies Subjects |
Art Design (Year-Long, Arts and Technologies) |
Digital Technologies (Semester-Long, Technologies) |
Music (Semester-Long, Arts) |
Year 7 Art Design
The Year 7 Art and Design program is centred around the design thinking process to encourage and develop creative problem-solving skills, agile learning and student agency. All these skills are now being deemed necessary in the emerging global work culture. It will assist students to expand their imagination and rethink designs they never thought would be possible. Through a variety of inquiry projects, students are guided through the 5 D’s of Discover, Define, Develop, Deliver and Deliberate. It will culminate in students presenting their creative projects in showcases with the school community and beyond. Throughout the design process, students are encouraged to focus on the UN Sustainable Development Goals and therefore on creating designs for others that are more meaningful and intentional. By improving the lives of others’ students will be empowered as global change makers. They will get the opportunity to work both independently and collaboratively in small learning groups to realise their big ideas.
As part of skill building, students will undertake master class blocks to build technical skills and confidence with personal creative expression. These will include a range of traditional and contemporary creative practices such as drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, photography, textiles, 3-D printing, laser cutting and the use of digital software. Students will then be able to translate these creative skills into inquiry projects that include themes of Art and Science, Wearable Tech and Installation Art. Once students have completed the course, they will take design thinking as a transferable skill into future curriculum and in their own personal lives.
Year 7 Digital Technologies
The Year 7 Digital Technologies course is based on the Victorian Curriculum which is organised into three interrelated strands: Digital Systems, Creating Digital Solutions and Data and Information. Together the three strands focus on developing students’ knowledge, understanding and skills in computing and the inter-connectedness of digital systems. Students are actively engaged in the processes of analysing problems, applying computational thinking, and developing a range of coding skills and techniques in order to develop digital solutions. Students will study cyber safety and adopt principles of digital citizenship in order to collaborate ethically and responsibly in the classroom and in the wider online community.
Digital Systems
Students will learn:
- How digital systems are a combination of electronic hardware and computer software (code).
- To code digital systems through a hands-on approach using micro-computers or micro-robots.
- How information is communicated from device to device over digital networks.
Data and Information
Students will learn:
- Different types of data are used to create information.
- To use data and manipulate it using software to form information that is easily understood through graphical representation.
- Techniques to collaboratively manage, create and communicate ideas, information and projects online while actively taking safety and social contexts including digital citizenship into account.
Creating Digital Solutions
Students will learn:
- Design principles and how they apply to a visual representation of information.
- To interpret written design requirements in order to complete a programming task.
- To write program code for web pages and digital systems using pre-built code blocks or open code editing while following the syntax and rules of the programming language.
- Follow algorithms represented either diagrammatically or in structured English.
Year 7 Music
Students in Year 7 Music will participate in a variety of activities designed to give them an introduction to music and foundation skills. They will explore a variety of western and non-western instruments. Students will learn skills in music production, drum kit, guitar and keyboard. They will be introduced to elements of composition and improvisation through practical tasks. An emphasis is given to developing students' confidence in performing and presenting in front of an audience as a member of an ensemble.
Explore and Express Ideas
Students will learn to:
- Experiment with elements of music, in isolation and in combination, using listening skills, voice, instruments and technologies to find ways to create and manipulate effects.
- Develop music ideas through improvisation, composition and performance, combining and manipulating the elements of music.
Music Practices
Students will learn to:
- Create, practice and rehearse music to develop listening, compositional and technical and expressive performance skills.
- Structure compositions by combining and manipulating the elements of music and using notation
Present and Perform
Students will be able to:
- Rehearse and perform to audiences in different settings and contexts, a range of music they have learnt or composed, using techniques and expressions appropriate to the style.
Respond and Interpret
Students will be able to:
- Analyse composers’ use of the elements of music and stylistic features when listening to and interpreting music.
- Identify and connect specific features and purposes of music from contemporary and past times to explore viewpoints and enrich their music-making.