Year 8 Technologies

In Year 8, all students will complete one Semester of both the following Technologies subjects.
Technologies Subjects (Semester-Long) |
Design, Materials and Technology (Wood, Metal, Plastic) |
Food for Health |
Year 8 Design, Materials and Technology (Wood, Metal, Plastic)
The Year 8 course aims to introduce students to the product design process where they learn about the techniques, materials and disciplines of creating, designing and making in wood, metal and plastic. It aims to develop in students an understanding of the properties and characteristics of various materials and their origins. Students will develop a proficiency in the use of hand tools, complex equipment and techniques, and an understanding of design through active involvement in the product design process. Students learn to develop safe work practices regarding materials, tools and equipment and minimise risk through assessment of processes. Students will analyse ways to create designed solutions through selecting and combining characteristics and properties of materials, systems, components, tools and equipment.
Students will:
- Investigate aspects of technologies specialisations
- Investigate and select from a broad range of technologies − materials, systems, components, tools and equipment
- Consider the ways in which the characteristics and properties of technologies will impact designed solutions
- Produce and evaluate designed solutions for the individual and the community considering social, economic and environmental factors.
- Apply project management skills to document and use project plans to manage production processes.
- Safely produce effectively designed solutions for the intended purpose.
- Analyse the sustainability issues associated with design.
Year 8 Food for Health
The Year 8 course aims to introduce students to the knowledge and skills for healthy food preparation. Based on The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating, students analyse their own diet and how characteristics and properties of food determine preparation techniques and presentation when creating healthy eating solutions. Students produce a variety of nutritious foods using a range of equipment and safe food practices that aim to encourage healthy and more sustainable food choices.
Investigating, generating, producing and evaluating
Students will:
- Investigate how factors including characteristics and properties of food, and ethical and sustainable considerations will impact healthy design solutions.
- Use creativity, a wide range of resources and innovation to develop, modify and communicate design ideas.
- Effectively and safely use a variety of tools, equipment and techniques to produce designed food items.
- Evaluate design ideas, processes and solutions in terms of sustainability potential.