College information

Viewbank College House System
There are four Vertical Houses at Viewbank College, and each student will be assigned to one of the following:
- Stella: Yellow
- Ignis: Red
- Terra: Green
- Hydra: Blue
At Years 7 to 9, students' Core classes are grouped by House, and House spirit is encouraged. Houses competitions are run throughout the year and students are encouraged to enter these competitions. Some examples where points can be earned are through participating in any of the following: sporting events, lunchtime activities, debating, public speaking, subject competitions, volunteering, college production, orchestra, fundraising, subject awards and leadership.
Launch Program
Once per week, students will be engaging in activities either within their cohort or vertically with other students in their house group across Years 7 - 10. Activities may include guest speakers, assemblies, respectful relationships initiatives, peer support sessions or pathways programs. This exciting program will build student agency, develop transferable skills through inquiry, enhance connectedness between year levels and generate greater involvement and representation in the house system.
Accelerated and Enhancement Program
Students selected for the Accelerated and Enhancement group will undertake a compacted course of study over three years beginning in Year 7. The course will be structured so that students will be accelerated in Mathematics. and participate in enhancements to their learning program in other core subjects. All electives with other classes at the same age level. Learning extension is provided on a personal level. Student progress will be monitored year to year to ensure our students’ continued success in the program. Students in this program will be encouraged to be involved in a range of College activities that may include sport, College production, debating and music.
Student Wellbeing Support
The Wellbeing Centre offers a safe and inviting environment for students to seek help and access support services. Students can attend the Wellbeing Centre to have time out from class if required for sensory or individual support. Students can also access short-term counselling with the Wellbeing Team.
In situations where regular or longer-term counselling is required, students and families can be supported to access services outside of school. Referrals for counselling support are made by House Leaders or students can self-refer.
The Wellbeing Team also consults with parents, liaises with external practitioners and community organisations, and along with leadership and teaching staff, to support students with learning differences or complex needs.
The Wellbeing Team consists of:
Student Wellbeing Coordinator (Educational Psychologist)
Mental Health Practitioner
2 x Wellbeing Counsellors
DET Student Support Services Officers (SSSO) are also available to offer specialised psychological and learning support for staff, students and parents as required.
Immunisation Program
Banyule City Council works with the College in providing an immunisation program for Year 7 students.
Immunisations include HPV vaccination and Diphtheria/Tetanus/Pertussis (Whooping Cough). Immunisation forms are given to all Year 7 students in their Welcome Pack (sent during Term 3 of their Grade 6 Year) and throughout the year. These forms should be returned during Orientation Day. Immunisations take place at the College.
Transitions and Pathways
The Transitions and Pathways program across the Middle School assists students in making informed choices as they progress through the College. This program will include the students developing an understanding of their own personal traits and qualities, and understanding where their interests lie as they discover different challenges in the curriculum. This will lead to a more considered approach to subject selections if students choose to embark on VCE.
A careers website is available for parents and students to access which contains links to information regarding career options, pathways and external resources. In Year 8 and 9, students will begin using this site to complete activities such as Career Interest Tests and will be able to create and update their pathways planning documents as they progress through Senior School. Parents and students can access this website through their Compass portal by accessing the School ‘Favourites’ tab and clicking on Careers. Alternatively, the direct link is:
Additionally, students who are seeking future pathways support or would like to receive career counselling can make an appointment to meet with Sandra Vaina our Pathways Leader.
Contact Details:
Sandra Vaina (Pathways Counsellor) -
Bronwyn Haines (Pathways/VET Coordinator) -
Viewbank College Policies
Please click the following link for Viewbank College Policies.
Absences and Punctuality
Students are expected to arrive on time. If students arrive after 9 am, it is the student’s responsibility to use their student card at the Compass Kiosk sign in or to report to the Attendance Officer at the Middle School office before going to class. Students are expected to arrive at class punctually. If a student is late, this will be recorded. If a student is frequently late, parents or guardians will be notified.
Students may not leave the school during the day without having the absence approved in Compass by a parent or guardian which states some urgent or special reason. Students must also sign out via the Middle School office prior to leaving. Dental and medical appointments should be made outside school hours whenever possible.
When possible, please add an attendance note on Compass prior to your student's absence, or on the morning of the absence. If a student has been absent from school, parents can approve absences on the Compass system or the student must bring a note from the parent or guardian stating the reason for the absence. This must be handed to the Attendance Officer on return to school. Alternatively, an email can be sent to the Attendance Officer prior to the student returning to school.