From the Principal 

Russell Lee (Acting)

It has been a pleasure to step into the role of Principal for the final few weeks of term whilst Ms Cook has been on leave. What a second half of term 4 it has been!


Our students finished of their 2023 academic program with rigour, completing exams, post-tests, CATs, and other assessments to demonstrate their learning growth, effort and achievement.


The Step-Up Program saw all students take the leap into their 2024 cohorts, Form Groups, and classes. Students engaged in these classes well, connecting with their new teachers, leaders, and peers, setting themselves up for success and able to hit the ground running when we return next year.


We said farewell to and acknowledged out 2023 Year 12 cohort at their Valedictory; a tremendous event put on by the Senior School. It was incredible to recognise each individual, along with subject and special award winners. Well done to all.




Since Valedictory, our Year 12 VCE students have received their ATAR results. We are immensely proud of each student in both our VCE and VM programs for their efforts. Congratulations to William Richards, who achieved an ATAR of 98.7, and is the 2023 College Dux.

We had 1 student achieve a perfect study score of 50, and 42 students score 40+ in individual subjects, a further improvement from the 2022 results. 

Of the graduating cohort there were 13 students who achieved an ATAR in the 90’s and 25 students in the 80’s.

The extra- and co-curricular events didn't stop there. 

The Arts and Technologies Festival, Year 10 Work Experience, Orientation Day, Junior Celebration Days, and 2024 New Student Induction all took place in the busy final weeks. I thank and acknowledge all students, staff, and community members for their work in preparing for, attending, and participating in these events. Opportunities are truly endless at CESC.


We are all looking forward to celebrating the achievement and growth of our students at our upcoming Awards Evening at Frankston Arts Centre. In the spaces of academia, sport, the Arts, leadership, community service, and values, our students work hard to achieve so much. Coming together to acknowledge these efforts is a highlight of the year and I congratulate all students in advance who are being recognised on the night.

School Council recently endorsed changes to the College Uniform Policy for 2024. These changes have been considered due to community feedback, particularly from our student leaders and cohort. Aspects of the Uniform Policy that are affected include nose piercings, bracelets/bangles, and necklaces. I encourage all community members to review the changes in the Uniform Policy ready for next year. I commend our student leaders and cohort for their work in the space of voice and agency, leaving a notable legacy of inclusive change for future students and the community.


As we come to the end of the 2023, it is a time for reflection and gratitude. The Principal Team would like to thank all of our students, staff, and community members for what has been an incredible year. To those leaving us, new to the community, and returning in 2024, we want to thank you for your support, and wish you a very safe, happy, and relaxing festive season. Take care.


Russell Lee

Acting Principal