PFA News

Dear RMPS families, 


Can you believe that there are only three weeks left of Term 3?  Time is flying!


Here is the latest news from your PFA …

Thank you!




‘FUN’raising Bites Fundraiser – After four weeks of selling, the biscuit fundraiser has officially come to an end, and we want to extend a huge thank you to everyone who got involved in selling these biccy boxes … and buying them, of course. It is the first time this fundraiser has been run at the school and we are happy to announce that we have made a profit and, although our target was $6,000, we have raised approximately $2,920 (so far).  This means we have covered the cost of the new soccer goals that are already being enjoyed by the children!  And, importantly, this has been done with wide engagement from across the school community, with many families being actively involved in helping to raise funds.


We were super excited to have the two prize hampers handed over at last week’s assembly to our very deserving top two money raising families.  In case you haven’t heard the news, the winners were the families of:

  •     Vinnie Augelli in 4D, who sold $825 or 11 full carry boxes
  • Oscar Bennett in 1B, who sold $300 worth of biscuits

    Wow, what a great effort!  And congratulations again to Oscar and Vinnie and their families


We want to extend a special thank you to Avery Poole, Carolyn Steart, Elaine Chung, Mel and Luciana in the office, and the teachers, for helping the PFA in various ways to complete this event – from assisting with putting letters and samples together, printing letters, organising and distributing the boxes, and handling the returns, we couldn’t have done it without you.


Now, even though the main fundraising activity is over, based on what has been returned to the school to-date, there are around 30 full carry boxes or 450 gourmet biscuit boxes that still need to be sold.  If you think you can sell or eat more, please contact the office.  We will be selling an individual gourmet biscuit box for $4 each (save $1/box) or a full carry box for $60(that’s 3 free gourmet biscuit boxes).


Finally, to the 30 families who are still to return their money and/or boxes, can you please do so urgently and be mindful that the biscuits (and money) belong to the school, who paid for the boxes based on what people opted into/out of.


Current Events and Fundraisers




RMPS PFA 2023 ‘Boogie Fever’ Student Disco, Friday 25 August … today – It is disco day!  The disco team has been working hard to get things organised and we can’t wait to see the children having fun and dancing away tonight … plus a teacher or two.


Don’t forget it is a ‘Boogie Fever’ theme, so dress the kids in a disco themed outfit to ‘get down and boogie’ in.


There are separate disco sessions for the Foundation to Year 2 and Years 3 to 6 students, to be led by DJ Matty V:


F-Y2: 5.30pm to 6.30pm … registration starts at 5:15pm

Y3-Y6: 6.45pm to 7.45pm … registration starts at 6:30pm


We ask that you arrive in time to check your child in, ready for their disco to begin promptly.  Please remember it is in the school hall, with entry via the Performing Arts room.


What to bring

  • Energy and fun!
  • A full, named water bottle.
  • If your child needs medication to be on hand, please bring it in a named, zip locked bag, which will be signed in and out on the night and stored securely.
  • Respect.  Children must be respectful, stay inside the hall and follow instructions from disco supervisors.


The disco is a school event even though it is outside of school hours and children will need to respect staff and other volunteers present.  If they do not, you may be asked to collect your child early.


Child collection at end of disco:  Parents/Carers, please pick your child up immediate at the end of their disco session.  You are asked to wait outside the school hall entrance near the Devon St carpark before being called inside by disco supervisors.  Your child(ren) will be waiting in year groups.  You will need to identify your child(ren) and notify staff of your child(ren)’s departure.  No child will be permitted to walk through the school without a parent/carer.


Please note

  • Child registration on the night will start 15 minutes before each disco’s start time.
  • Your prompt collection of your child(ren), and a reminder to children regarding the special effort taken by teachers and parents/carers to run the event, will enable the goodwill of volunteers to be carried onto next year’s disco.
  • NO spectators allowed.


Tickets sales have closed and there will be no sales at the door.


We are super excited and looking forward to a fun night!


Coordinators Wanted – Can you help us out? 


We are still looking for a volunteer to coordinate the following upcoming events: 


  • School Fun Run (Colour Run) (Monday 27 November)
  • Referendum Day Fundraiser (Term 4)


As a coordinator, you will be liaising with us, the school, providers (as applicable), and families to ensure we have enough people to help and that what is needed is organised. Most of the work can be done from the comfort of your home and these events have been run before. You will not be doing it all by yourself. We and the school are here to help! If you have any questions or can take on a coordinator role to support the school and PFA, please let us know at



Term 4 PFA Events and Fundraisers


The following events and fundraisers are currently planned for Term 4:


World Teachers’ Day Morning Tea (Friday 27 October)

Foundation Transition Morning Tea (Wednesday 22 November)

School Fun Run (Colour Run) (Monday 27 November) – Coordinator required

Referendum Day Fundraiser (anticipating Term 4) – Coordinator required


Other small fundraisers may also be run throughout the remainder of the year.




The PFA is a group of volunteer parents and carers who help organise events and fundraising activities for RMPS, welcome families and bring people together from within the community. This helps us all connect more closely with our school and to raise vital funds for school improvements.  Without volunteers, there would be no PFA.


All RMPS parents and carers are welcome to register as PFA members, enabling them to receive copies of meeting minutes, vote on items/actions and the office bearer (executive) roles as applicable, and be elected to PFA office bearer roles. If you would like to register as a member, please contact us for a copy of the registration form.  Note that you do not have to be a member to help on events or attend meetings.


Next meeting: Wednesday 30 August 2023 at 8:00pm – 9:00pm.  This will be an online Zoom meeting. We look forward to having parents and carers join us for this meeting.


Warm regards,

Wen Li (President), Elizabeth (Secretary) and Bård (Treasurer)

The PFA Committee






FREE Working with Children Check (WWCC)


Ever thought about volunteering at a school (e.g., excursion, swimming, classroom) or PFA (e.g., disco, colour run) activity or event, or even at your child’s sports or dance club, but haven’t been able to because you don’t have a Working with Children Check (WWCC)?  Well, you can get a volunteer WWCC for FREE!  Applying for one takes about 15-20 minutes and you can do it online via Working with Children Check (  Once you have completed the online application you will receive an application receipt, followed by a card after the check is completed.  (Note: We recommend you do this using your mobile phone because of the photo process etc.)


What you'll need to do

  • Prove your identity with documents using your phone. The online application shows you which ones.
  • Fill out the online application form
  • Consent to Service Victoria passing your info on to the Working with Children Check (WWCC) Unit Victoria (Department of Justice and Community Safety) to process your WWCC application.  (Services Victoria does not keep your information, they just pass it on.)


Your Working with Children check

  • The Working with Children Check Victoria screening process looks at:
  • Your criminal record in all Australian states and territories, including any charges, regardless of the outcome
  • Your professional conduct as determined by these groups, and 
  • Whether you're required to report under sex offender legislation






If you have applied for a WWCC but are unsure whether your card will arrive before you want to volunteer at an event, please speak to the school office about possible options.  A check may take between 3-12 weeks to be processed.


Copies of WWCC cards are kept on file by the school for compliance and a Working with Children Check is required for doing child-related work which includes volunteering. Please provide the school office with a copy of your card.


If you would like to get a WWCC card but are not confident doing this yourself, please contact the school office for assistance by calling 9890 2372.


For RMPS related volunteering, please also read the school’s:

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