From our Principal

Christine Pillot

Term 3 - Productive and Rewarding

As I sit and reflect on the term, I am extremely happy and proud of student and staff achievements.  


I have stopped to talk to many students and staff about their highlights and achievements this term and it's rewarding to hear their enjoyment for our daily learning programs and special events.  Our recent Book Week, Literacy Week and Footy Colours Day have been fun and engaging special events. 


Thank you to our parents and carers who attended our Footy Colours Day this week, it was so nice to have you take part and enjoy the club theme song parade and BBQ morning tea. 


I would also like to thank our parents and carers who completed the Department of Education Parent Survey over the past few weeks.  We've had well over 20 percent of parents take part in this survey which will provide the Department and Croydon SDS some valuable information on what is going well and areas for further development.  

Father's Day Stall

Our Father's Day Stall earlier this month raised $356.99.  We hope father's and special persons liked their gifts especially chosen for you by your child/loved one.  


Thank you to Leanne for once again organising the gifts and stall.  Leanne does a tremendous job in setting the stall up for student's to easily access and choose items.  

Happy and Safe Holidays

I wish students and staff a good rest these school holidays.  Everyone has worked hard and deserves some rest and relaxation.  We also need to preserve ourselves for term 4, it's an 11 and 1/2 week term. 


Please also enjoy the break with family and friends, and be safe!  We look forward to seeing everyone at the start of term 4, on Monday 2 October.