From the Head of Boarding 

MEBS - A Legacy of Excellence

Dear Boarding Community,


Term 3 2023 is rapidly coming to an end which means the HSC Examinations for our Year 12 Boarders are looming. We wish the 12s all the best with their preparation and recommend they take some time to pamper themselves during the coming holidays. 

The Boarders' Mass for Term 3 was the Year 12 Graduation Mass which was celebrated by Father Sean Byrnes in the Mount Erin Chapel on Wednesday 23 August. It was pleasing to see the whole Boarding cohort along with parents, Director of Education, College Principals, College staff, Boarding staff, and guests, witness and support this special rite of passage for these young people.

I would like to take this opportunity to commend and thank two of our young Boarders, Sarah Scott (Year 9) and Thomas Grainger (Year 8) who played the flute/sang and keyboards respectively accompanied Kildare Acting Leader of Faith and Mission/ Music teacher Mr. David Chaston who played cello at Mass.  In appreciation, Sarah and Thomas each received a gift voucher from MEBS and Mr. Chaston.


Head of Boarding John Bussenschutt congratulating Sarah.
Head of Boarding John Bussenschutt congratulating Sarah.
Head of Boarding John Bussenschutt congratulating Thomas with Rice House Coordinator, Michael McTaggart looking on.
Head of Boarding John Bussenschutt congratulating Thomas with Rice House Coordinator, Michael McTaggart looking on.



Bishop Mark Edwards

It was a pleasure to have Bishop Mark Edwards attend dinner at MEBS recently. The Boarders are always happy to have visitors join them for dinner and were most appreciative of the Bishop's remarks and his company.

Boarding Captain Elly Dumbrell introducing Bishop Mark Edwards
Boarding Captain Elly Dumbrell introducing Bishop Mark Edwards

Dining / Meals

MEBS is always reviewing its practices and procedures. It is with this in mind that we are trialing one setting for dinner at the moment enabling all students to dine together and enjoy each other's company. The warmer weather in Term 3 will enable some meals to be eaten outside in the front gardens or the occasional courtyard dining experience.



Study Hall in MEBS Meeting Space 2
Study Hall in MEBS Meeting Space 2


As part of the MEBS learning in residence program, Year 7-9 students are expected to log into the A-Team Tutor each night when beginning their Study at 7 p.m. This is similar to being marked on the roll when entering class at school.  The Boarding staff on duty supervise the students during study which can be in Study Hall or in their own room. There is also the opportunity for collaborative study upon request to the House Coordinator.

This online tutoring resource is a valuable and rewarding aspect of the MEBS study program. It is also available to Senior students in Years 10, 11 and 12. 


Boarding Staff Professional Development

MEBS staff receive ongoing professional development. Recently the Boarding staff attended a session held at Mount Erin in Meeting Space 2, regarding Mandatory Reporting. The professional development was conducted by CEDWW's Senior Education Officer (Student Wellbeing) Ms. Gloria Blacka. A very informative and valuable presentation.


Boarding Student Leadership

Congratulations to:

Ronan Crain and Will Marsh for their selection into the Kildare Student Leaders group.

Nominations have been received for Mount Erin Boarding Captains and Rice/ Nagle Captains for 2023/24. The nominees are preparing their speeches in readiness for voting in Week 9. Nominations for the positions of Boarding Captain and Rice/ Nagle House Captains took place in Week 7. Students nominating have presented speeches and voting took place in Week 9. Announcement of Boarding Captains and Nagle/ Rice Captains will be made on Monday 18 September.


MEBS Parent Representatives

Kildare and Mater Dei Catholic Colleges both have a Boarding Parent representative on their Councils.

The new CEDWW Guidelines for Governance and Management of Mount Erin Boarding (MEBS) have positions for two parent representatives, one from each College. A notice was sent out earlier in Term 3. If parents are interested in this important role, please contact John Bussenschutt, Head of Boarding:


Girls' Coordinator with Lucy Pearce giving the thumbs up to the new Nook Kitchenette in Nagle House
Girls' Coordinator with Lucy Pearce giving the thumbs up to the new Nook Kitchenette in Nagle House

"The Nook"

During 2022, Senior Girls Supervisor Robin Bussenschutt, acting on suggestions from the Senior Girls/ Captains and BRC established a mock kitchen to see how effective this would be for supper and afternoon tea. It consisted of a bench cupboard, microwave oven, toaster, place to keep cups etc. In Term 3 the new "Nook" kitchenette has been completed and it looks wonderful. This space has always been known as the "nook". (more information about this in future Heritage Matters in the next Boarders' Buzz. Girls' Coordinator, Mrs. Jackie Tassell has wasted no time in involving the girls in creating artwork that will soon hang on the wall in this newly created fabulous space. Many thanks to the KCC Maintenance Crew for their involvement in this project.

The Rice House boys will not be left out. A new kitchenette based on the same design will be put in place - planned for Term 4 2023.


Ashleigh and Bonnie at the morning tea bar.
Sam and Kieran collecting morning tea
Ashleigh and Bonnie at the morning tea bar.
Sam and Kieran collecting morning tea

Morning Tea

The banning of plastic bags means that Boarders do need to supply their own plastic containers to hold their morning tea when collecting this at breakfast each day. A choice of snacks and fruit is available.



Staffing Update:

We have welcomed three new Supervisors this term:  In Nagle House - Nicola Sherwood and Madison Brown both of whom are working with the Senior Girls. In Rice House, Mr. Jobe Steel has been inducted and has been working with Senior boys. All three are currently studying at Charles Sturt University.


Mount Erin Hoody

The Mount Erin Hoody has proven to be popular.

If Boarders are interested in ordering one, please see Amanda Hilton in the Boarding Office. 

A site has been set up for the purchase of the Hoodies. 


For students to purchase they need to access via the link and enter the password:



Password: MEBS2650

Note the site only accepts card payments.


Henty Field Days

19th to 21st September 2023

Drop into Mount Erin's site and say hello.

We are at Block C Site 67b

We would love to see you there!



Mackenzie Scholarship

The Mackenzie Scholarship has been awarded to two shared recipients for 2024/25.

Congratulations to the two students concerned.


All the best for the remaining term and for the forthcoming school holidays. Safe travels.


John Bussenschutt I Head of Boarding