Student news & reviews

Book Week Parade - Friday 25th August

Monday 21st of August to Friday 25th of August is Literacy and Numeracy Week! To celebrate this, students will dress up as their favourite book character and we will hold a parade to show off their costumes. This will take place at 9:15am on Friday 25th of August in the MPC as part of our Assembly. All parents are invited to attend. Students may also like to bring in the book they are dressing up from to show their friends and classmates.


During the day, students will participate in a range of Literacy and Numeracy activities run by our teachers. These will explore and celebrate imaginative and informative texts and investigate a variety of maths concepts.


We look forward to seeing your amazing and creative costumes at the parade!


PBL Stars of the Week

Congratulations to the students who have recently received a PBL Star of the Week Award for great work and demonstrating our school values.


Awarded Friday 11th August

Prep K - Avni

Prep C - Jasper

1R - Angela

1E - Wey Xin

2Q - Pritika & Victoria

2U - Zoe

3S - Zarina

3N - Aleina

4H - Kurtis

5/6L - Aryan

5/6S - Ethan

5/6G - Tarun

5/6D - Karolyn