Principal's Report

Dear Parents, Families and Community members,
Principal Update
Dear Parents and Carers
Welcome back to Term 4 to all our families. Last week we kicked the term off with the first of our whole school assemblies. Afterwards we had staff reflect on just how calm, safe and orderly our students are when we run these large assemblies. There are now 756 students attending Armstrong Creek School which means trying to accommodate and coordinate quite a big crowd!
In spite of this, our students collectively continue to demonstrate the value of care to one another by following the expected behaviours in assembly, and even though at times we know it can get tricky to sit and listen to big chunks of talking, we continue to be amazed by how respectful and responsive all students have been to the assembly expectations which are:
- Track the speaker
- Hands and feet to yourself
- No speaking while presenters are talking
- Stay in the space
Last week we had two home groups judged the best at showing all four expectations. Well done to Anna's Year 2s and Jane's Year 2s who consistently demonstrated these behaviours throughout the entire assembly.
Staff Professional Learning
Teachers and staff are always learning too! Today we had members of our leadership team, including the return of a familiar face in our substantive Principal Evan Savage, participate in the second of a series of sessions with international MTSS expert Dr Brian Gaunt. With a current focus on Tier 2/3 interventions, this current work builds on the already strong foundations of our MTSS framework established through previous professional learning with Dr Gaunt.
Across the school, all staff have participated in a considerable amount of professional learning this year, all of which is designed to improve our practice which ultimately supports our students to achieve and improve as well! Just a few other whole school PL includes:
- Ongoing PL with expert cognitive scientist Dr Jared Cooney Horvath focusing on the Science of Learning,
- Completion of Berry Street training for all staff
- Ongoing PL in Positive Behaviour Support, including targeted learning with UK school behaviour expert and advisor to the UK DET, Tom Bennett
- Primary Maths and Science program, supporting a whole school focus on best instruction in Mathematics
Professional Learning for staff always relates directly back to school goals, and these in turn always relate to the one reason we exist - our kids!
Regional Athletics
Congratulations to Murphy S from Year 5 who has qualified for the Western Metropolitan Region Athletics Final next Tuesday 17/10/2023 in Melbourne.
The whole school wishes you all the very best of luck as you compete in the 100 Metre Sprint event and we know you will be a proud ambassador for Armstrong Creek School!
Sunsmart School reminder
A reminder that Term 4 is a mandatory hat term and whilst we encourage students to wear a broad brimmed school hat, any hat is better than no hat; ‘Yes Hat, Yes Play’.
Please ensure your child's hat is clearly labelled with their name.
We also encourage students to apply sunscreen before coming to school, and this can be topped up throughout the day with either the school supply or some brought from home.
Water bottles are encouraged for all students and staff and can be refilled at school during the day.
Bike Safety
Now that the weather is improving (well, some days!) it is great to see so many children and families walking and riding to school. With increased traffic comes an increased risk to safety, whether that is for pedestrians on foot or bike. Even if following the rules, the flow of cars before and after school can make the roads a dangerous place, particularly for those of us on bikes.
More recently, we have been made aware of a number of close calls between bike rider and cars out the front of St Catherines of Sienna. Like us, they too have a main road for people to contend with during busy before and after school times. This is particularly so directly in front of their school where local students have unwittingly run their bikes into cars moving in and out of their drop off/pick up zone.
To avoid any further accidents and prevent serious injury to anyone, the staff at St Catherines of Sienna have asked that any child on a bike during these times dismounts and walks past the front of the school. They will place signs up to help us remember this rule so that no one gets badly hurt.
Prep - 2 Athletics
Parking at school
A reminder to families that parking in the following areas is prohibited:
- In the disabled parking bays unless a Disability Parking Permit is clearly displayed at the left side or centre of the front windscreen, so that the permit number and expiry date can be seen from outside.
- In the driveway area of the staff car park (near the admin office) in front of the skip bins or in front of the bus gate. This area MUST be kept clear at all times
- In the staff car park closest to the bike shed end of the school - this car park is strictly for staff parking only.
There are many varied reasons for these guidelines which relate primarily back to safety, access and general management of a large community of users. We certainly do appreciate that parking is not always easy and would like to thank those who have already made best attempts at finding other solutions.
Car parking is also NOT PERMITTED on the grassy area situated between the Community Hub car park and the fence line at the far end of our school oval.
A number of concerned school community members have recently brought this issue to our attention as they have observed numerous vehicles moving and reversing in this area in close proximity of children who are also walking through this space.
Whilst we can appreciate that this grassy area has seemingly started to be used as an overflow car park, the City of Greater Geelong and the Armstrong Creek East Community Hub have communicated that this space is not designated for parking.
They did acknowledge that there is lowered kerb (similar to a driveway entrance) along one side of this space, however this has been constructed to accommodate maintenance vehicles for the future community garden which is intended to be located here.
We thank you for your support and understanding in refraining to park in this grassy area as the safety of all students and members of the wider community is paramount during these busy times.
Barwon Health have advised us of the following information for Immunisation Catch Ups:
If your child has missed out on their school-based vaccinations, it’s not too late to catch up! Secondary school immunisations are provided free to students in Year 7 and Year 10. Catch up for secondary school immunisations is free up to 19 years of age.
Barwon Health immunisation service will offer catch-up school immunisation sessions at different venues around Geelong during the month of October additional to our regular weekly sessions.
Belmont Vaccination Center-1-17 Reynolds Rd, Belmont - Wednesdays , Fridays and Saturday morning (18th, 20th & 21st October) booking link:
Bellarine Aquatic and Sports Centre (BASC) - Ocean Grove- Thursday 19th October, 3.30-6.30 pm, booking link:
Barwon Health North – Tuesday 17th and Friday 20th October, 3.30-6.30 pm booking link:
Armstrong Creek East Community Hub – 3.30-6.30 pm booking link:
Any Year 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 or 12 age students up to 19 years of age, who have missed their immunisations at school can catch up via Barwon health immunisation service or via their GP. Outside of these extra sessions, bookings available to our regular weekly sessions via this link
To see if your child is due for any vaccines, check your child’s immunisation history statement on the Australian Immunisation Register using your MyGov account. If your child is over 14, they will need to access their immunisation history statement themselves through their own MyGov account or the Medicare mobile app.
Learn more about school-based vaccinations and why they’re important: in secondary schools
Some immunisations are recommended for all Australian teenagers.
Please phone Barwon health immunisation on 42156963 if you have further questions.
Have a great weekend everyone=
Kathryn Sier
Acting Principal