Parents and Friends Community News

Hi all
We’ve had a lovely time celebrating the mums and special carers in our school community over the last week.
Thank you to the volunteers who helped run the Mother’s Day Stall this week and a special thanks to Mathini Jayasundera for volunteering to source the lovely range of gifts for the kids to choose from.
Our Mother’s Day Lunch saw almost 150 of us getting dressed up, dancing and celebrating together. Thank you to our resident photographer, Alex Starkova, for taking these special memories of the day. And a huge thank you to the businesses within our community that supported the event by donating prizes for our auction and raffle.
Between the two Mother’s Day activities, we raised over $7,000 for the school’s project to upgrade the playground equipment. This impressive effort brings our fundraising total for the year to date up to almost $27,000 so we are well on our way to our $75,000 target for the year. Thank you to everyone for your generosity!
Speaking of generosity, the PFC would like invite anyone who is able to donate some of their precious time to helping with the organisation of future fundraising activities to join the newly created BPS PFC Volunteers WhatsApp group (click on the link to join). Maybe you can’t commit to help the PFC every month but would love the chance to work on one of our events, or you have some great ideas for Father’s Day gifts, or would be happy to help out with ad hoc tasks. Whatever your time commitment, please join the group and we’ll let you know what we need help with.
In the meantime, we hope you have a lovely weekend ahead with your special people!
Many thanks,
Kirstie & Rosie on the PFC