Year 3/4

Term 2 has already seen a lot happening in the 3/4 rooms. We have started to learn about geology and the natural world. We looked under the surface of earth to identify and label each layer. The tectonic plates play an important role and we used some Saladas and Cruskits with some margarine to demonstrate the shifting plates and the resulting changes.
We have been monitoring our results of to see our continued improvement and have been blown away by some of the results.
Our class novel (Storm Boy) has been very engaging and introduced us to a lot of new vocabulary words such as: sanctuary, seldom and sedately. We have been making inferences based on the text and what we know about the world and have written some great sentences with a focus on conjunctions.
With the countdown to camp getting closer to the end we have had some great discussions and opportunities to ask questions and raise any concerns. These have been very valuable as the students feel much more prepared and ready for camp.
Travis and Wiley