
Three weeks into the second term and the kids have settled well back into the swing of things. We have started our topic about Australia and the kids (fingers crossed) can remember most of the states and territories that make up our country.
In Literacy we have started to look at some digraphs. For those who are unsure what they are, digraphs are two letters that make one sound. So far, we have looked at the digraphs ai, oa and ie. We have also begun looking at fact writing. Preps have been taught that facts are short, true statements that everyone agrees with. Highlight of the week was the Preps providing some very blunt and honest feedback when coming up for facts about Andrew.
In Maths we are exploring two-digit numbers. We have been using tens frames to understand that a teen number is made up of a group of ten and some left-over blocks.
Just a reminder that hats are no longer needed so we will send them home to have a wash and be ready for the end of September.