Principal's Report

School Review
We have had two very busy School Review days over the past two weeks and one more to finish off the process next week. This week was our fieldwork day with the review panel visiting classes and chatting with staff and students. Thank you to those who completed the recent survey, we appreciate your input. All schools undergo a school review every 4 years to help guide and plan our next school strategic plan.
Camps News
This term we have the year 3/4 overnight camp to Toolangi and the 5/6s will be heading down to Phillip Island. Due to the financial demands schools now face providing time in lieu for staff attending camps, moving forward we will be offering camps for our 3/4 and 5/6 students on a biannual basis (every even year).
We were very proud of the year six leaders, India, Jack, Teddy and Indie who represented our school at last week's Lancefield ANZAC day service. Along with other local primary and secondary schools our students participated in the service and enjoyed the experience. See below a poem written by Thomas Hall year 6.
Anzac Day
The day of sorrow and sadness,
The day we reflect on all that madness.
They fought for freedom for all of us,
But we still have to discuss,
How many didn’t come back,
From the attack.
And if that awful telegram came,
The family would never be the same.
Shall we forget yet?
Lest We Forget.
Written by Thomas