Careers Corner News

Hampton Park Secondary College’s “Road to Success” was just that - a huge success!
On Thursday 23rd May, Year 10 students participated in a Careers Day which involved students completing Career Action Plans which set them up to listen to the rich experiences of their first guest speaker - Tyson Day. His inspiring presentation encouraged students to explore career pathways during our Industry Showcase with 44 industry exhibitors sharing their industry knowledge and expertise, interview tips and tricks.
The student’s day finished listening to a panel of industry guest speakers, who informed students about TAFE, University and apprenticeship pathways and involved an alumni inspirational speaker.
It was the biggest and best Careers Expo Hampton Park SC has ever had! The atmosphere was electric. This was enhanced by students running their own subject exhibits and domain stalls. The smiles on students’ faces were invaluable.
Thank you to our staff, volunteers and guest speakers that donated their time to assist.
Below are photos and testimonials from students when asked ‘What was your favourite part of the 'Careers Expo’?
- Meeting all the different careers and the people who work as that career, it was really nice thing to do if you're quite stuck on what you want to do in the future.
- Seeing all the experienced people speak about their lives and jobs and getting to see what they do and the ways to achieve the career.
- Getting information about the careers I might want to have in the future. It was very helpful what they told me at the Careers expo
- Looking at the various options of universities and what they can offer/ what we needed to be able to attend their university.
- Seeing all of the different jobs, opportunities and pathways to get there
- The variety of options and the knowledge people brought to the expo