Senior Studies

We wish our Year 10-12 students the best of luck as they approach their Mid-Year Exams. We encourage you to take your exams seriously and to prepare for them in advance. Your performance helps your teachers best support you – identifying what you know, what you don’t and where we need to focus our teaching, for you.
There is evidence that studying for and sitting exams deepens learning.
Reminders for all students:
- Students are required to be in FULL correct uniform every day
- Any student absent from an exam, is required to bring a medical certificate. Redemption of time is being calculated for students who are absent from exams – be there!!
- Any student who misses an exam (without a medical), or whose performance is below the required standard will be asked to attend a Redemption of Exam session – with further information to come
- Students are to line up for each exam at least 15mins prior to the start time, outside the venue for their exam. Students need to allow adequate time for travel
- Exams will take place in the GYM, FLS and Freeman House. Events list the room you are to attend for your scheduled Exams
- If you have exams in Freeman and the Gym, you line up in the quadrangle – next to the canteen and Freeman House
- If you have exams in the FLS, you line up next to the junior lockers outside of Hollows House (courts behind you)
- The exam timetable is on Compass and has been emailed to all students and families
Do I attend any classes?
- VPC classes will run as normal. VPC students will attend school every day.
- Pre VPC classes will run as normal and students will attend SEED, VET and SBAT. Some modifications will be communicated by 30.5.24
- VCE VM students are expected in their usual classes Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
- VET classes (internal) will run from Tuesday onwards
- If students have external VET or SBAT, exams will be rescheduled – attend your VET or SBAT
- If students have 1 exam on in a day, they come in for the exam and then go home after the exam
- If students have multiple exams on each day, they remain on site and report to the CRC in between exams to study and prepare – students DO NOT leave the grounds if they have multiple exams each day
- If students are accelerating in a Year 10 subject, they are encouraged to attend their usual Year 9 program and their exams. Notes for absences are required, if students do not attend as usual
Embedded are the Examination rules from VCAA which we will follow. This includes what to bring and what NOT to bring - Pages - Examination rules (