Student Attendance

Students at Hampton Park Secondary College continue to show their commitment towards attending School every day!
We are VERY proud to share, to date:
- 907 students are attending school over 90% of the time
- 426 students are attending school over 98% of the time
- 231 students are at 100% attendance
- Our unapproved absences continue to decline, but we do need to do better. If you know your child has not been at school, please explain their absences using Compass. If you don’t have access to Compass, please contact the College and we can support you
Why is this important? By attending school, students have greater opportunities to learn and build critical lifelong skills. Attendance improves each student’s chances of achieving success beyond school and in life.
We thank our families for their support and tireless efforts. We are very proud of you all. “Every day counts and there is no ‘safe’ threshold for absences”.
All school days matter.
Although small amounts of absence are associated with only small declines in achievement, all absences count, and the impact of absence increases with the number of absences (Hancock et al., 2013). If you require support with getting your child to school regularly, please contact your childs House Leadership Team. Students in Year 10-12, a reminder, if you are below 95% attendance, you will be required to redeem this time. If you have hours remaining at the end of the year, you will need to redeem them all before you can finish the year.
Remember redemption can take place before school, after school and on pupil free days. See your House to work out how many hours you have owing. Keep up the fantastic work and keep coming to school EVERYDAY – Every day counts!