Teaching and Learning Hub

Dear Parents and Carers,
I am thrilled to welcome Kelly Krieg as our new Assistant Principal for Teaching and Learning! Kelly replaces Paul Broecker in this role as he steps into his new and exciting position as Principal of Boronia K-12 College! Both Kelly and I are very much looking forward to continuing and growing the fantastic teaching and learning experienced by our students at Hampton Park Secondary College.
A reminder that if you would like more information on your child’s individual learning, please do not hesitate to contact the relevant House Leadership Team via the main office number on 8795 9400 OR to contact your child’s teachers via email through Compass.
If you would like to discuss or would like more information around more general teaching and learning across the college, please feel free to contact Kelly and myself through the college number or via email. We would really love to hear from you 😊
Below is important information for parents and carers to be aware of as we head towards the end of Term Two.
Learning Habits Reports will be published to Parents, Carers, and Students on Friday the 31st of May. Learning Habits Reports provide information about elements of your child’s behaviour and attitude towards learning. This includes how well your child is focusing on learning and putting in their best effort in each of their subjects, the level to which your child is competing homework and study, and whether they are bringing the correct equipment to each class, such as their laptop, books, pens, and diary.
It is important to remember that the Learning Habits Report is not a measure of your child’s academic ability.
Your child’s academic ability is reported through our Semester Reports. The Semester One Report for 2024 will be published to Parents, Carers, and Students near the start of Term Three.
Below is an infographic that gives an overview of our Learning Habits reports.
Course Counselling
From the start of Term Three, students, with the guidance of Parents/Carers, Course Counsellors, and our Careers Education Team, will be asked to select their subjects for 2025. In the lead up to this time, it is helpful if parents/careers can have some discussions with their child around what subjects they might be interested in selecting for next year as well around what future pathways, such as University or TAFE, they are interested in, as well as careers they have thought about. For some students, they might have not spent a lot of time thinking about what they would like to pursue after secondary school, so these discussions are invaluable.
More information around Course Counselling will be communicated to Parents/Carers closer to the Course Counselling dates.
Course Counselling for Senior Students
For our Year 10 and Year 9 students, Course Counselling and Subject Selection includes some important decisions around future pathways that students, with the support of their parents/carers, course counsellors, and the Careers Education Team, need to make.
Essential information and events for Parents and Careers of students heading into their senior years of schooling will soon be communicated to Parents and Careers. Please keep an eye out for this information.
Education Sub-Committee
Would you like to have more input into and build a greater understanding of what teaching and learning looks like at the College?
We are always looks for more parents and careers to become involved in our school community, and one way to do this is through the Education Sub-Committee. We meet once a term with the purpose of parents and careers being able to provide their feedback and advice on all things regarding teaching and learning for our students.
We are always looking for more parents and careers to join this team!
If you are interested in joining us, please call the front office on 8795 9400.
Mid-Year Exams – Years 10, 11, and 12
A reminder that next week (June 3rd to June 7th), most of our Year 10, 11, and 12, students will sit exams for each of their subjects. Information about which students are involved and what this looks like for each student has already been communicated. Please contact the school if you have any questions.
During this time, it is expected that when students are not sitting one of their exams, they will use this time to study and prepare for the next exams in their exam timetable.
We ask that parents and carers please reinforce the importance of exams and studying to their child. You can do this through talking about your child’s exams with them, encouraging them to use their time to study productively, and talking with them about how to organise their time in the best way to get the best results!
Thank you for the important role you play in ensuring your child unlocks their full potential through their education.
Yours Sincerely,
Kelly Krieg (Assistant Principal for Teaching and Learning) and Mel Larcombe (Leading Teacher for Curriculum & Pedagogy and Assessment & Reporting)