Walton House
Walton House
Dear Parents, Carers, Family and Students,
Term 2 has been an exciting, productive term so far! Here’s a snapshot of some of the fabulous events that have taken place in our community recently.
City Experience
This week the year 9 students have embarked on the City Experience! This is an event that runs over three days and includes activities such as MCG, Street Art Tour, Old Melbourne Gaol and the National Gallery of Victoria. The students have done a spectacular job and have represented HPSC with pride. Here are a couple of photos of the week! A student write up of this event will be included in the next Newshamper!
Sporting events
We have had many sporting events this week, including state cross country and Rugby! Congratulations to all students who participated.
Language week
Last week HPSC engaged in our Language Week. This week was fun and had a focus on celebrating all cultures and diversity. We had music chosen by students play, a band, food, lunchtime activities and more! It was a great way to celebrate our community 😊
Coming up Exams
Next week (week 8) year 10-12 students will sit mid-year exams. This is fantastic practice for students as they prepare for senior studies/end of year exams. Exam timetables have been communicated and are now on all student compass schedules for next week.
Semester two classes start
In week 10 semester two classes begin!
Student Values Nomination Champion
This term the student who has achieved the most values nominations in Walton so far is Vincent Wang, with 7 values nominations!
Excellent work Vincent!
Homework club runs on Tuesday and Thursdays. Please come along!
Book Reviews
We are in URGENT need of student book reviews! Please read a book, write a review, take a photo and send it to Mr Antill! Let’s get Walton winning the book review points again 😊
Uniform, Lates and Attendance
A reminder to please ensure all students are following the correct school uniform. Ensure you are either in the academic uniform with black lace up shoes, or the sports uniform with runners, not a mixture of the two.
We need students to be coming to school on time, every time.
Please keep up the great work, this has been a fantastic start to the year, and we’re extremely excited for 2024!
Thank you
Walton House Leadership Team