Duke of Edinburgh

On Monday 22 April, 37 students set out early from Nossal, they were dropped off in Molesworth with all their belongings and then began the walk down the Great Victorian Rail Trail towards Yea.
They passed through the magnificent Cheviot Tunnel and saw the beautiful countryside. After 18 long km they got to Yea where they stayed in total luxury at Yea Caravan Park. Tents were set up and then food was cooked.
As the sun set it began to get cold so after a few marshmallows they were herded into their tents for the night. After a cold sleep they got up bright and early at 6.15am to begin the pack up.
They set off at 8.30am on the 22km walk to Kerrisdale. Some students were still setting a great pace and by this stage some students were beginning to flag. With support from staff, all students got to the end in time to finally sit down on a comfy seat for the bus ride home.
All students really pushed themselves and should be so proud of the effort they put in.
Many thanks to Gagan and Bilal (parents) for their support.
Ms Bonham
Duke of Edinburgh Co-ordinator