
Selamat pagi (Good morning),

We have started this year with lots of enthusiasm and eagerness in our Indonesian learning. Let's look inside our students' exciting world. Bagus! (Well done!)



We've looked into Indonesia a close neighbour of Australia and practised some greetings.


Grade 1-2:

We've practised expressing our feelings using our Indonesian language.


Grade 3-4:

We have embraced the SJV Behaviour Code and created booklets using Indonesian.


Grade 5-6:

In Term 1, we had the Indonesian Tick Competition to encourage our students in practising their Indonesian language with their teachers. Congratulation for all classes for your effort!. The grade 5-6(s) will also be engaged in planning and running the SJV Indonesian Day in Term 3. So watch this space, more exciting news to come....

Indonesian Gallery
Indonesian Gallery

Terima kasih dan sampai jumpa (Thank you and till next time).




Pak Kris

Additional Languages (Indonesian) Teacher