Student News

Leadership Day Report.
Last Friday, our year 5/6 students travelled to Echuca to attend the Northern Plains Student Leadership Day. From juggling with Mr Simpson, dancing with Dance Mob and listening to Kate about her inspirational stories, the students were able to take away key messages of valuing teamwork, kindness, and empathy.
-Fin, Jenson and Jordy
Cross Country
A massive congratulations to Emmett, Kiarah, Lucy, Edmund, Jordan and Olivia for their hard work and participation at the Sandhurst Cross-Country. It was a tough day for the students as they went up against the best from schools in and around the Bendigo region. All of the St Mary's staff and peers are so proud of the effort that you have all made. Congratulations.
On cross country, Kiarah and Lucy went with Miss Fenwick and Emmett to the Bendigo racecourse, where we raced. Edmund came with his mum and little brother, we got to sit in the grandstands. We were in the 10-year-old girls' group. Our group was split into green and blue. We ran 2 kilometres; when we were almost done, Kiarah’s mum, Miss Fenwick, Edmund's mum, and little brother cheered us on. Kiarah came 115th and Lucy 116th because we ran together.
-Lucy and Kiarah
Physical Education
In our whole school Physical Education lessons, we have begun our athletics preparation! These last 2 weeks we have been focused on practising pushing our shot puts. Students have felt the weight difference between the shot puts that are required for our Athletics Day at the end of this month.
If you are able to help out with our Athletics Day on the 30th of May please email Tayla Fenwick ( or call the office (5438 3548) to put your name down to support.
In our Indonesian lessons this term we are learning the parts of the body. This week we sang "Kepala, bahu, lutut, kaki". Can you recognise the song?
We also gave directions for our partner to draw a face, using our Indonesian vocabulary for parts of the face and numbers. Some 'gila' (crazy) results!