Principals Report

Stephen O'Shannessy

As we reflect on our beautiful celebration of our Mother's Day morning, we are filled with immense gratitude and warmth. It was truly a day to cherish, marked by the presence of so many wonderful mothers, grandmothers, and dear friends of the family of our St Mary's community.


Our students, as always, shone brightly as they led us through a touching liturgy, each word spoken and song sung resonating with the spirit of love and appreciation for the mothers in our lives. Their reflections were not just words, but echoes of the deep bond we share with the maternal figures who shape and guide us.

One of the most heartwarming sights was witnessing our students' collaboration with the mothers, grandmothers, and friends who joined us. Together, they worked side by side, pouring their creativity and love into the art pieces.


To all who were able to join us, we extend our sincerest thanks. It is moments like these that remind us of the strength of our community and the love that binds us together.

As we continue on our journey, may we carry the spirit of Mother's Day with us this weekend. Let us cherish and honour the mothers in our lives, recognising the countless sacrifices they make and the boundless love they give. 



It is with pleasure that I announce our new Arts Building is open to the students. After three years of construction, insurance works, and additional measures, students were able to utilise this space for the first time on Thursday. 


The new Arts and Music Learning Space will serve as a hub of inspiration and creativity for our students. With dedicated areas for visual arts, music practice, and performance, students will have the opportunity to explore and express their artistic talents in a supportive and nurturing environment. This space is designed to encourage hands-on learning experiences, allowing students to engage with a wide range of artistic mediums and musical instruments. From painting and sculpting to playing instruments and composing music, students will have the resources they need to bring their creative visions to life.


The official opening will be in Term 3; until then, as we embark on this exciting new chapter, let us embrace the power of creativity, expression, and community as we continue to inspire our students' hearts and minds.


With a change of tone, I would like to address a serious development which directly impacts our St. Mary's family members. This week, the Allan Labor Government announced a $400 School Saving Bonus for all school students in government schools regardless of income, but only for Health Care Card holders in Catholic schools. Although this initiative to support families during high inflation is welcomed, it should not discriminate against those who choose to send their children to a Catholic or independent school. The rising cost of living has impacted all families in our community and across Victoria. The School Saving Bonus scheme has totally missed the mark. 


On behalf of the families of St Mary's, I'll be advocating for change in policy so the funds can be shared equitably across our community. A letter will be sent home with further details on how you can show your support. 



Kind Regards,