Health Centre

Greetings Families
As you are aware, we have several cases of Pertussis (Whooping cough) in our school community. We also have Covid 19. Both infections can have serious health consequences for young babies, those unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated, pregnant women, the elderly and those who are immunocompromised. Our community includes students & families in all these categories. It is our goal to reduce the spread of these infections to protect our loved ones.
I know it is laborious to read this information, however my intention is to give you up to date, accurate & timely information in relation to the many questions and concerns I’ve been asked over the last 2 weeks. There are many false rumors in the community so I urge you to come back to me for clarification so we can keep consistent messages and decrease concerns. If I don’t know the answers, I will ask the experts and get back to you.
Currently we have several positive cases of Pertussis in Yrs. 5, 6 and Foundation. Covid 19 is also more prevalent throughout the school community with the cooler weather. It is not a seasonal virus and is around all year, however naturally increases at this time with the rise of snotty noses, hayfever, coughs & colds and perhaps the lax of handwashing and hand sanitizer. I would encourage all parents to revise handwashing with your children, blowing nose techniques and cough etiquette, especially Foundation to Yr. 2 who missed the huge education efforts during the Covid epidemic.
RAT’s are not provided free anymore to schools, shire etc. They are available at the chemist to purchase.
We are in direct communication with the Goulburn Valley Public Health Unit (GVPHU) who are monitoring the Pertussis cases and investigating possible contact with susceptible groups. They will continue to monitor until 6 weeks after the last identified case.
If you or your children have any cold-like symptoms, please attend your GP or Seymour Health, Urgent Care Centre (UCC) to be tested for Covid 19 and Pertussis. This is especially important for those students who have been in contact with any students or families of Yr. 5, 6 and Foundation.
The GP practices and UCC are currently testing many children and family members in our community. Please let them know you are attending for a Pertussis test as some Practices are testing from your car. Testing is a nasal swab. Results are being reported between 2 – 5 days and you are advised to isolate until the test result is known.
It can take between 7-14 days for the symptoms of Pertussis to appear after contracting it.
Due to vaccination, you will not necessarily contract Pertussis if exposed to a positive case. All the Pertussis cases at St Mary’s have been children who are fully vaccinated. It is currently unknown why some people contract the illness, and some don’t.
You are infectious from the FIRST symptom and for the following 21 days (if not treated).
The treatment for Pertussis is a 5-day course of antibiotics.
Some GP Practices are starting those with symptoms on the antibiotic straight away and other Practices are waiting until results return a positive result. Some are treating all household members regardless of results or symptoms and other Practices are only treating those household members who are vulnerable. The GVPHU supports GPs to use their own clinical judgment in their advice and treatment for their patients. The only treatment that is legislated is that positive Pertussis cases must be isolated for 21 days or be treated with antibiotics for 5 days and isolate.
Because most of us have been vaccinated for Pertussis, symptoms are likely to be mild. We are not experiencing what has been the characteristic whoop in a cough. Several of the positive cases have only had a mild runny nose.
Covid 19 is also now appearing with mild symptoms due to the vaccination program. However, it is the susceptible groups that are still at risk if exposed to those who are positive & infectious.
I would encourage you to check your immunisation status and have a booster if needed. You can attend your GP for this or attend the Mitchell Shire Community sessions. See the shire website for the schedule. You are not fully covered until 2 weeks after the booster.
Current booster vaccination recommendations:
Covid 19 – Every 6 months.
Pertussis – Every 10 years. Immunity starts to wane at 8 years.
Please call if you have any questions or concerns.
Kind Regards
Lisa Glover RN
College Nurse (Mon-Thurs)