Year 3-6 News

We have had a great start to Term 2.
The weather has been beautiful - clear and sunny autumn days with a few very cool starts! Thank you for the support with winter uniform. It is great to see so many children in the correct winter uniform. Years 3 and 4 have returned from their camp at Phillip Island and enjoyed three fabulous days, well supported by our staff and parent helpers.
We also have Taekwondo this term, which is a great program to reinforce focus and self control.
👟College Cross Country
Tuesday, 7th May at the Seymour Golf Course. Please see the following Information from Ms Aldous, Sports Coordinator. 👇🏼
# Travel and Schedule
All classes will travel in class groups with their teacher according to the times outlined in the attached document/table below. Each group will return to the College once their respective race has concluded.
This is an approximate schedule of the day - times may vary:-
Year Levels | No. | Depart College | Arrive Golf Course | Depart Golf Course | Return College |
3 and 4 | 98 | 11:30am | 11:45am | 12:15pm | 12:30pm |
5 and 6 | 84 | 12:00pm | 12:15pm | 12:45pm | 1:00pm |
7 and 8 | 130 | 12:30pm | 12:45pm | 1:30pm | 1:45pm |
9 and 10 | 102 | 1:00pm | 1:15pm | 1:45pm | 2:15pm |
# Arriving at the Golf Course
- Upon arrival, staff will be on hand to marshal the students to the starting line.
# Race Details and Volunteer Information
We are asking for parent volunteers to act as checkpoints along the course. This will be greatly helpful in managing the course and guiding the students. If you are able to assist as a checkpoint along the course to help the children navigate their way, please contact your child’s classroom teacher.
# Course Markings:
The 2km course for 9/10-year-olds will be marked with yellow arrows.
# Returning to School
- When all students of the Year Level have completed the race, the children will return to school as promptly as possible.
Mother’s Day/Special Person Musical Morning
This year we are celebrating our mothers/special people with a musical morning on Friday 10th May from 8.30am to approximately 10am.
Parents of primary students will then be invited to join their child in the classroom until recess. An email will be sent home to all families with details of the morning but please keep the morning of Friday 10th May free. We will have musical performances from our choir and band as well as our famous Foundation video.
The Parents and friends will once again be providing the Mother’s Day Stall, with items ranging from $1 to $10. Children will be able to purchase 2 gifts and then return at recess if they wish to purchase any more.
Primary Assembly
Please join us every fortnight for our Primary assembly at 2.30pm in the PLC.
The dates for this term are:
Friday 3rd May; Friday 17th; Friday 31st May; Friday 14th June; Friday 28th June
We are looking forward to another great term, with many learning experiences and opportunities for our students.
3 week Literature Study Unit in partnership with Ochre Education and MACS ( Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools)
Last term, Yr 4 successfully applied to participate in a Pilot Literacy program that focuses on vocabulary building, comprehension and writing expanded sentences. 40 schools across the Melbourne Archdiocese were selected to participate and we will be working with other Year 4 cohorts to enhance and build literacy skills. This is a great opportunity for our Year 4 cohort and the teachers to work with other teachers from a diverse range of schools.
The texts the Year 4’s will be using, also link well to their History unit and allow them to explore the array of migration to our continent.
We look forward to sharing more information with you in the next Marian.
What a fabulous camp we had last week at Phillip Island !!!
The Year 3 and 4 children managed so well for their first camp - and for many of the children , it was their first time away from home.
We arrived safely at San Remo for lunch and a chance to see the pelicans being fed. The weather was perfect , clear and sunny so a great chance to see the pelicans up close. Then we were back on the bus to Phillip Island Adventure Camp.
We were met by Casey, the camp supervisor, who was our contact while we were at the camp. Casey has been at the camp for 16 years and we have worked with him on our previous visits . After hearing from Casey, the children settled themselves into their cabins and were back by 2pm for the first activity.
Each activity went for about 1 hour and 15 minutes. The activities were - Giant Swing, Canoeing, Photo Hunt, Camp Cooking, Archery and the Circatron. We were all very impressed with how the children attempted the activities - especially ones like canoeing, the Giant Swing and the Circatron which were new experiences for so many. Many children went to the top of the Giant Swing or ventured out in the canoe for the first time . Everyone tried something new which was amazing!
On Tuesday we were up and back at the activities by 9am and then at night, we put on our beanies, coats and gloves and headed to the Penguin Parade . It was so clear and mild that night. We didn't have a huge crowd of penguins come up on the beach but plenty for the children to see, as well as being able to see the penguins up close as we walked back along the boardwalk.
On our last morning, we packed up, tidied up and before the buses arrived to take us back to Seymour.
Thank you to our parent helpers - Jason Lynch, Vanessa Mladenvoski, Ewan Jack, Sally Mounsey and Dennis Stokes. We couldn't have gone without you and we really appreciate all your help and support . Thank you to Nurse Kath who supervised all medications and cared for any and all medical needs .
Thank you to all families for your support of the camp.
Cath, Donna, Kerrie, Rochelle, Jayne and Ollie.
Wheelie Wednesday at Our School: Year 5s Roll in the Fun!
Our Year 5 students took over Wheelie Wednesday with a blast of wheels and laughter! From bikes to scooters, and roller skates, our students showcased their skills and had a wheelie good time. Stay tuned for more wheelie adventures and active fun at our school!
Have a great week,
Cath Evans